Friday, August 12, 2005

It looks like today is going to be pet day. The only reason I'm awake is that Oliver woke me up today. He came by my bed and smelled bad. I guess I have to clean his litter box. Oliver is the cat in the bottom piciture.
As I did not want to be bothered, I kicked both cats out of my room, but Misiu (the cat in the middle picture) started to meow and paw at the door handle. I had to open the door so he would stop being noisy, but after all this, I found myself unable to go back to sleep.
Misiu and Oliver are ragdoll cats that I got from Ann Lang of Starlite Rags. Ragdolls are the friendliest cats I've ever seen. Misiu and Oliver follow me all over the house. Both of them let me pick them up and hold them without protest. I grew up with a cat, but my parents didn't know how to take care of him so he was mean. You're supposed to hold cats a lot when they are kittens so they get used to human contact, and the cat I grew up with obviously didn't learn this. He used to bite me if I picked him up, and he'd run if I pet him for more than 10 seconds.
The other pets in this house live in a 125 gallon fish tank. I need to clean that tank as I haven't done so in awhile. Luckily, I only have about 8 fish in there or they'd die since I don't maintain it as well as I should. I have a Pleco, 4 huge clown loaches, and 2 cherry barbs. I had an upside down catfish but I don't know if he's still around. When I moved to this place in '98, I discovered the the upside down cat was still alive. I had never seen him in the year that I lived at that apartment, but I saw him when I emptied the tank. These fish are about 10 years old. When I go to the fish tank, I never see clown loaches as big as the ones I have. I keep saying that I'm going to get more fish, but I always feel like it'll be a big project to get them. Since I don't want to introduce disease, I have to set up my 10 gallon tank (which is stored in a closet right now) as a quarantine tank. I really should buy a few more cherry barbs as they are schooling fish: they are happier with more of their kind, preferable 10 or more.