Monday, November 28, 2005
This was my first real chance to work my club game. I ended up having to go alone because Sidegames was tired and didn't feel likie going out to any more bars or clubs. I also think part of his reasoning is that he's never seen me in action. He still thinks, even now, that I standing around like a total AFC like I used to in the past. He can't believe that the routines I've explained to him actually work on woman. Well, I'm glad he didn't come to the club on Friday or he would have been right. To my credit, I was still recovering from my cold, and I had been out of practice for like a week so I didn't expect to be at full capacity.
I got to Paradise Bluez (spelled something like that, but not the normal "Blues" spelling) in Lahaina around 10:15. The bar wasn't that busy so I took a seat at the bar. I started chatting with a guy from Missouri (I've since forgotten his name. Let's call him "Steve".) Steve and his buddy were in town for a friend's wedding. Like me, they had been told that Paradise Bluez was the place to be on Friday. As night progressed, the bar got more and more busy, and I began to try to sarge.
I recruited Steve to be my wingman and we opened a few sets, but I really didn't have much success. I believe my inner game was messed up (more on that in the Saturday report). Also, I was out of practice and didn't feel confident using my usual routines. On top of that, people had a hard time hearing me because I was having a hard time speaking loudly. My cold had mostly disappeared by I still had a productice cough (and still do now). When I try to talk loudly, I start to feel the phelgm loosening in my lungs, and my voice quivers a little bit.
I did get to observe a guy doing a pickup. I saw a blonde who was probably an HB7.5. I thought about approaching her but I violated the 3 second rule. A guy that looks like my friend Paco went up to her as I was contemplating my arroach, and he began working his game. He definately had confidence in his approach because I had seen him approaching women several times before this. He was decent looking, thinner than me, and seemed to have some natural game. He also had some social proof as I'd seen him hugging some HB's that apparently were regulars like him. Observing his pickup was a good lesson for me. First of all, despite the fact that he undoubtedly has had some success in the past, his game isn't that strong. It's natural game as he wasn't using any ASF stuff that I could identify. He opened with the universal opener and asked some basic questions. He didn't really ask any total AFC type questions, but none of his questions were particularly intruiging. I remember him asking where she was from and I remember that he told her he was a local. I knew already that my current game was better in content than his is. Whatever he did wasn't too bad, though, because she didn't get rid of him and when her friends went to the dance floor "Paco" and her went with. Five minutes later, I saw "Paco" and the HB grinding on the dance floor. At this point, I thought "Paco" was doing well, but a few minutes later I saw that he was by himself.
I learned that my game has better content than many guys I see at the bar. Paco also helped reinforce the idea that rejection is a regular thing that you should never let hurt you inner game. I saw him get rejected a ton of times, but he still kept approaching. I need to remember that the next time I start to feel down. Despite my weak game Friday, I have to give myself props for having the guts to make a few approaches. I also have to be happy that I am being more sociable that I ever have been in my life. Before I started this sarging journey, I would never have gone to the club alone. I never would have been able to make new friends right away and recruit wingmen. Before long, I bet I'll be saying that I remember when I could close (right now) and when I couldn't get lays.
On a sidenote, Steve and his buddy got toally plastered. Steve barely knew me but he bought me several beers despite the fact that I didn't really want to drink. I remember at one point that he came with three beers. His buddy had a mixed drink so he didn't want one of the beers. I didn't really want to drink but I accepted my beer. Steve took one of the beers, and he just put the third one on the floor.