Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Well, I can't help it. I keep thinking about what happened. Sure, it hurts to get rejected that fiercely by that girl, but I think I'm more pissed that I got outplayed. After reading some stuff on, I've figured out some of the cooler stuff I could have said. There's nothing I could have done at the time; I ran into a superior opponent and I wasn't prepared. Again, I must think back about Reign of Fire. I will use the anger I feel to become even better at the game. I will remember this worse-case scenario approach when I'm afraid to make approaches. Though I'm still thinking about it, I should take comfort in the fact that it happened now. Having this shit happen on my first night out might have prevented me from gaining the levels I have. Since it happened now, I can deal with it and become stronger!
On a sidenote, I should remember that my game was only a small reason that the big C&B happened. Sure, I could have said some funny stuff and played the game better, but this woman had shields on maximum. Seamas had some good points. I'm probably smarter than her and I had a lot of value to offer her. She couldn't lower her shields; instead she transfered auxialary power to the shields. That's her loss, not mine. It wasn't worth penetrating her shield as she wasn't a 9 or 10 anyway.