Saturday, December 24, 2005
I didn't really do any sarging today. I got like 2 hours of sleep and then spent the whole afternoon and night with Seamas. There wasn't much opportunity to sarge so I'm just going to review my progress with my game.
Sticking Points:
-I know that I'm recognizing angles that I can take, but I still don't have the stones to make the moves that I know I should make.
-Seemas's younger sister was at this family Christmas party that I attended. I've always thought she's hot. Now, she isn't a HB9 or anything like that, but she is the type of girl I find attractice. She's like 5'7", blonde, and has an attractive body. I've found her attractive ever since I used to see her hanging around Seamas's parents house in bikinis when she was 16. Of course, I was younger too in those days :) I thought about sarging her or even just talking to her but I didn't feel like I could do it. Seamas's family was always around and I just didn't feel comfortable. I was weak for not doing anything. That is the best opportunity I'd have to sarge her so I should have at least engaged her in coversation.
-We ate a Clarke's on Lincoln Ave. Just as I sat down, I made eye contact with the HB6.75 redhead (I like redheads about as much as I like blondes, maybe even more since true redheads are rare). We locked eye contact for about 5-7 secs and then she smiled and looked away. That's a good sign. I should have gone up and sarged her. Again, I found myself in a situation similar to yesterday, though today's scenario was two set so I could have opened them. I was tired today and didn't feel like sarging, but I still should have approached them.
Signs of progress:
-The alpha male walk and attitude is starting to get ingrained into me. Seamas's cousin hadn't seen me in a year and she told me that I look good. More important than that is that she told me that she notices a change in my behavior. She says that I show confidence now and by saying that she implies that I didn't show confidence or possibly show a lack fo confidence when I was an AFC.
-When I want to be beta about something, I recognize my feelings and make an effort to act like a dominant male. For example, Seamas's tuna sandwich tasted funny to he and his cousin. He was hesitant to send it back and in the past, I wouldn't have liked to do it. In the past, I would have just suffered and eaten it or just paid and not eaten it if I had been the one with the sandwhich. Now, I have a different view. I tell him that if it isn't satisfactory, he should send it back. I even did most of the talking because I wanted to prove to myself that I now speak up for myself. I explained to the manager that the pie, fries, and sald that we ate were good, but Seamas felt that the fish didn't taste right. For me, this is a strong change for me.
-Although it is part of a sticking point, I find myself able to lock eye contact with girls now. I knew I had to do that when I started this journey, but I still felt self-conscious doing it. Now, at Clarke's, I was able to look right at a girl and maintain eye contact. In the past, I would never have looked at her for more than 2 seconds if I our eyes met. Instead, I would have quickly looked away. It feels like it is one of the few times, if not the first time I've done this with some random girl. Lucky for me, I got rewarded with a smile. I know I got a smile because I know have confident body language and because I didn't look away when our eyes met. (Now, I just have to approach fearlessly like I do in the club in almost all venues and situations.)
-I've made this point several times, but it still is a gigantic development. I envision it will be as big of a development as regular lays are. At the club, I'm an approach machine. I'll keep talking to girls. The only improvement I have to make is that I should be approaching even more sets and making sure to "make the ho say no" (credit term to Gunwitch.)
-I'm still amazed that in most situations, most guys will move out of my way if I walk with alpha body language. I'm talking about when you're about to run into each other at the mall, or at the club. Before, I'd move out of the way with everyone. Now I just walk around like I own the place, and people move. If I run into people, I'll apologize b/c I don't want to be an asshole, but I don't go out of my way to move out of people's way. I also make sure to take up a lot of space when I stand instead of trying to take up as little space as possible.