Tuesday, December 20, 2005


In mASF, KJing means "keyboard-jockeying." There are a bunch of guys in the community that believe that to become a PUA, you have to just keep reading more books and theories and eventually you'll figure it out. Instead of going out in the field, they keep reading more posts and more material. These guys will even begin to give advice to others based on the theory they have learned rather than from actual field experience. Here's a good post that I read to motivate me not to be a KJ.

Today I'm being a KJ ("chode" is a another term that is used). I got up at like 9PM. I pulled my left gluteal and calf muscle this weekend, so I can't run. I should have gone and weight lifted but I didn't. In my head, I knew that I should go out and sarge regardless of the fact that I didn't work out and wasn't feeling 100%, but I ended up not doing it. I read mASF. Next, I ironed my clothes and by 10:40pm, I was ready to hop in the shower. Then, I thought about what time I'd get there: I'd be ready by 11:05pm, I get to Alumni Club in Schaumburg by 11:30pm and then the place would close by 12:30am. As I thought of that, I just said "fuck it" and decided not to go out.

What I really decided to do was be a chode. I could have gone to Dakota's which is supposed to be busy on Tuesday and I believe it closes at 3am. I've heard that there are a ton of hot girls that go there on Tuesdays, too, but I've never checked it out. I think part of me was afraid I'd just have weak game, so I didn't go out. That's weakeness I have to fix that tomorrow, or at the lastest, Thursday when Seamas rolls into town.

Cadillac Ranch:
Ever since I got back into going to bars/clubs, I've wondered what's happening at Cadillac Ranch in Barlett. When I used to go out back in 2001, there was a deal between Alumni Club Schaumburg and Cadillac Ranch. After AC closed, they'd pass out passes that gave you free admission to Cadiallac Ranch. That was cool because AC closes at 1am on Mon-Thursday, but CR is open until 4am.

I've been wondering why Alumni Club is dead on Thursdays, I think it's because people are going to Cadillac Ranch. Metromix says CR plays Top-40 that night, so I bet it's packed with people. Wednesdays are "80's invasion" day and the rest of the nights are country music nights. I think I'm going to start going there on Thursdays since AC is dead then. Since Seamas is coming in Thursday, I'm actually thinking about checking out 80's night tomorrow night. I figure I need to get a night of practice in before Thursday.

What women think about sarging:
Seamas says he's told several women about how he wants to learn sarging. He says they laugh and think it's pathetic. I think it's because women picture all the AFC's that are at the bars. What they don't realize is that there are PUA's out there with real game. When they meet these guys they think the guy is just charming. When they end up having a ONS with the guy, they figure it just happened and they don't realize they've been gamed. That's the level I want to be operating on.

Mistakes of the past:
Earlier today, I was thinking about how I've been an AFC for like 28 years of my life. In all that time, I was terrified of women. I'd sit in class and get infatuated with some girl based almost 90% on her looks. Then I'd think about her for like 4-5 months and never really talk to her. I did talk to a few girls, but with them, I actually had zero game. I do dumb stuff to mess myself up because I couldn't get comfortable talking to the opposite sex. It bothers me that it was like half all my classes and interactions never existed. It's weird (but fulfilling) that I'm now talking to random girls at bars. I'm being more social and outgoing that I've ever been in my life. I think about how my life would totally be different if I had been doing this from the beginning. (When I think about that, I know that if I have a son, I have to teach him proper social skills. I have to teach him to be confident with girls.) Since I can't change the past, I have to avoid KJing and go out there and sarge like crazy.

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