Monday, December 19, 2005

Michael Vick/Ron Mexico:
This has nothing to do with sarging really, but I might as well went my thoughts on my blog. I could make a seperate nonsarging blog, but what's the point of that? I'd rather just ramble on in one blog.

I didn't do any sarging on Sunday. I just hung out with some friends and played a game of Risk 2210 and watched the games. My Vikings lost to the Steelers because Brad Johnson made some Aaron Brooks type decisions. In the ESPN game, I got to be in a room full of Bears fans (not a surprise since we are in the Chicago area). I was feeling pretty good about the game in the first half. When the Bears brought out Rex Grossman, I actually called the interception that ended up giving the Bears new life. I remember saying, "Watch Grossman do something stupid here," and then the Falcons pick it off, only to fumble it a few seconds later.

As for Vick, I used to really like watching him. He can be very entertaining with his rushes, but I'm starting to agree with the analysts that Vick can't be a pocket passer. He's so frustrating to watch when he has to pass the ball. Also, lately he only looks good against mediocre teams. Unless I seem some major improvement next year, I'm going to believe that he'll never win a Super Bowl.

Body language:
Actually, I now feel I can make a sarging related post. I didn't intend to write it, but reflecting on the day made me remember something. I met Sidegames in Oak Park and we ate at the Subway. After that, we were still hungry so we went to this Idine place down the street. I've been making a conscious effort to have Alpha male body language for the past few weeks. As it has become a part of my normal routine, I find myself able to observe more as I don't have to concentrate so much on having the right body language. Today, I noticed some girl in the restaurant checking me out as I was walking. In the past, girls would just look at me and then look away, but this girl held her gaze. I find all this humorous because though I'm working out, I'm still a ton overweight.

Heroin Craziness:
Sidegames has been going crazy. He told me that he met up with some girl he had met at AA and they ended up going to the "Spot" for heroin. I think Sidegames is really out of control and I actually felt uncomfortable talking to him at Subway. At first, I thought it was residual feelings about the situation with my ex, but I think it's more about his current lifesytle choices. I have no problem with him smoking weed, but I guess I should have. A lot of people can smoke trees and confine myself to that drug. Personally, I think weed is a lesser evil than alcohol even though I've never smoked trees. Sidegames, on the other hand, is showing that he really can't control himself. He figured he'd limit himself to weed, but I think he now has the mentality that if he's messing up in one little way, he might as well go all the way. (I do think he views smoking weed as being a fuckup. I think his periods of lenghty sobriety have made him internalize the fact that he is an alcoholic and having any drinks or smoking a single joint means he's messing up his life.)

I can relate to how he feels about weed in my eating habits. Yesterday was a prime example. I ate a healthy Subway sandwich and I was able to control myself at the Idine place by only getting a slice of pie. At James's place, I had a bunch of beers and then I ended up eating the junk food that everyone brought. Right before the Bear's game, people wanted to get food at Mickey's. I wasn't really hungry, but I figured I had drunk beers all day and had stuffed myself with snacks, so I might as well go down and eat a gyro and pizza puff. Right now, I still find myself in that mentality as I am strongly considering getting a half price pizza at Sir Nick's tonight. Perhaps, I'll just get some gyro meat at Caputo's and save myself money.

Going back to Sidegames for a moment, I'll say that I don't feel confortable talking to him because I see him going down a very wrong path. He's completely out of control. He told me that his family doesn't want to even talk to him unless he reforms his lifestyle. The funny thing is that they think he's only smoking weed; they have no clue that he's doing heroin again. I know I can't make him change his lifestyle, and I know it'll just make him not want to talk to me if I tried. I do appreciate that he's being honest with his stories and not hiding his problems like he did last year. (I found out that he was like this last year but he never told me because he was embarassed about it.) On the other hand, when he tells me stories, I keep wanting to help him change his lifestyle. I just limit myself to comments like, "Are you sure this is the path you want to take?"

I still have fun hanging out with Sidegames, but I'm not sure what the future holds. If he continues his craziness, I'm sure we'll hang out less because it's probably more fun to go do heroin with that girl than it is to hang out with a sober guy like me. I'd rather see him drinking like crazy because at least with that problem we could go to the bar together. I go to the bars to sarge all the time anyway. On the other hand, perhaps he'd bring down my game if we were going to the bar.

Better than Sex:
Heroin must really make you feel great. Sidegames said that he did heroin with that girl and then had sex with her. He said he didn't even feel like having sex because heroin feels way better than sex. That is almost incomprehensible to me. I guess I actually will never understand it as I'll never allow myself to do drugs. I confine myself to the occasional drink, because I'm sure I'd get out of control with drugs. I know Sidegames and I have very similar personalities so I could easily be him.

Sidegames left after one game of Risk. (On a sidenote, he won that because James gave up. That was annoying as I think James had a chance to win. I'm starting to understand what type of strategies really mess up James's game plan in Risk.) I'm convinced he went to the Spot afterwards even though he denied it.

I joked about a having a three-way with Sidegames and his girl. These drugs seem to mess people up so much that I bet they'd actually both lose their inhibitions and do it. Sidegames joked that he'd do it if I did some heroin with them.

On a serious note, I actually would like a try a three-way. Of course, I'd love every guy's fantasy of being with two women, but I'd also would try a double-teaming a girl with another guy. When I picture the two guys, one girl situation, I picture her performing oral sex on one guy and the other guy having intercourse with her. I'd probably even try a DP. I guess watching porn all these years has made me open to the idea. I just wonder if actually doing this stuff would be a turn-or or would it instead just be awkward. I guess it's likely to be awkward with people who aren't comfortable in themselves and their sexuality. I think I want to try it so I'll have the answer to my questions.

Women do love Sex:
This is something that mASF taught me. I honestly never realized this point until a few months ago. I always thought that wild sex stories is something that only happened in Penthouse Forum and in porno's. Someone on mASF linked me to this thread on I haven't really read the rest of the site, but the thread asks other women, "What is the slutiest thing you've ever done?" I've only read the first two pages. One woman talks about how she had sex with a girlfirend's guy (the girls had talked about how big a cock he had) and then she went home to her boyfriend and banged him. Another girl was on a cruise and ended drunk in a room with four guys. Two guys switched off having sex with her while the other two guys watched. When she got back from the cruise, she went back to her boyfriend as if she had been the loyal girlfriend he thinks she is. Some of the stories on there are undoubtedly made up, but I'm sure many of them are true. Reading that thread is really a turn-on for me. It reads like a less detailed Penthouse Forum, but it still gets my imagination going. It also helps reinforce two points that will help me with sarging: that women do love sex, and that there are many women (and I bet the percentages are higher for women I'd meet in clubs) who are quite willing to cheat on their boyfriends and husbands. I can't wait until I actually meet some of these sluts.

BTW, I want to say that I don't view slut as a negative word like most people in society. I think it's great that some women don't bow down to society pressures. Instead, they enjoy sex as often and with as many partners as they want. As we all know, guys are encouraged to do that and gain status when they do that. Women, on the other hand, are viewed in all the negativity usually associated with the word "slut." These societial pressures are the reason PUA's will get ASD And LSR from girls. They might want to have sex with you the night you meet them, but they can't let their girlfriends see that they are going to do that. They also feel society's pressure to not be a slut so they'll keep putting up resitance to sex even though it's what they really want. I wish women could be as open about their promiscuity like guys could. It would make the game a lot easier.

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