Monday, December 26, 2005
I got this lesson reinforced today. I talked to Sidegames and my mother and the combined power of their comments helped put me in a bad mood. Luckily for me Seamas called me. He extended an invitation to come to his family Christmas party at his parents house and we discussed the negative conversations I had had. By talking through the problems, I was able to get in a better mood which I might have taken a day or two to snap out of otherwise. The lesson, of course, is that I shouldn't be around negative people and more than that, I should do my best to surround myself with positive people.
80% of approaches made:
I'm just throwing out this number, but I believe that's my current percentage of approaches I actually make at the club. I need to get that higher, but it isn't too much of a sticking point. Today, I wasn't in the greatest of moods, but I still opened almost all the sets that I wanted. I almost always open lone wolves if I happen to see them. I'll almost always open 2-5 sets. I opened my first mixed set today. The girls wasn't that interested, so I just went to talk to the guy just to show that I don't give a fuck. Of course, he thought I was cool. Other than that one set, I have never opened a mixed set. I passed over 2-3 mixed sets today that I wanted to approach. At this club that we went to, there was a seating bench that ran along a wall, and there were tables in front. I saw two sets sitting behind tables, but I avoided approaching them. I just felt it would be too awkward. The music was so loud, that I know they woudln't hear me unless I was next to them. I knew that I couldn't peck, so the only way they could hear me would be if I just sat down next to them. This is a sticking point, and I need to work on this. I had two good opportunities where I could have tried an approach. The first was when I saw some black guy get rejected. This was after the black guy's friend had tried to help his wing. I knew that I could have come in and talked about the blowup. The next opportunity would have been to sit down next to this guy I had talked to briefly. He had sat down at a table. I could have sat down next to him, turns to my right, said a few words to him, and then turn to the left and sarged a two set.
Loud music, Small Venue, bad sarging:
Today, I think I finally understand why I generally perform poorly in Chicago venues. With the exception of Lion Head Pub/The Aparment on Lincoln (we need to hit that again), all the other venues I've been going to are not good for my current method of sarging. First, the venue is small which means there are fewer chicks to sarge over a night than Alumni Club (and probably Cadallic Ranch). In addition, the later two probably have more girls than the average club in Chicago because there aren't too many competing places in the suburbs. On Division Street, for example, there are at least 10 places to enter. The second factor is the loud music. AC & CR have loud music, but since they are both large, there are multiple areas where I can hold a decent conversation. In the small venues, it's almost impossible to carry out a conversation anywhere except a few select places. Of course these quieter places in the small Chicago venues don't have too many girls nearby. At AC, I can keep circling the main bar, and go upstairs (on weekends) and run into multiple sets throughout the night. In the small Chi-venues, I have to wait for girls to be near the quiet zone, or I have to try to sarge even though the girl can't hear me.
The fact that the girl can't really hear me creates some major problems for my game. First, I'm not bad looking, but I still need to lose like 50 lbs, so I need to seduce women primarily with what I say. Sure, I do my best to have alpha body language and to show confidence in the way I stand, but I get judged by what I say when I actually approach. In AC, the two girls in a 2-set can hear me and they usually both pay attention to me. I can then run best friend's test and generally get both girls to participate in the conversation. In the Chicago places, the two girls can almost never hear me. Even if I can get one girl to start to get interested in the coversation, the other ones starts to get bored. On top of that, the target also has a difficult time hearing me. I believe that the girl views me as Beta as she can't hear me. Furthermore, I can't get her interested in the conversation or in me when she can't understand most of what I'm saying.
Moron Amogs & Stop ejecting, moron:
The first set I opened was a 2-set. At the time, that was like the only non mixed set there so I saw a bunch of guys approach them. Finally, I decided to make some sort of move. I talked to one girl for like 30 secs, then I ejected because neither Jason nor Seamas had come with me. A few minutes later, I walked by them and opened them again. Some black guy with a bandana on his head looked at me as I opened the blonde (he was talking to the brunette). I'm convinced the idiot thought he could AMOG me just by looking at me. Sure, he was more muscular than me, but he was my height and I wasn't scare of him. I just shook his hand and said, "Hi" and then I talked to the blonde. Jason then happened to show up and started talking to the set. I think we helped mess things up for the AMOG, but then the set stalled and we ejected.
I later approached that set a third time. The brunette was talking to a white guy. I said to the blonde, "Wow, you are the center of attention here. I keep seeing guys approaching. What's the worse line you've heard today?"
Blonde (pondering for a few seconds): Well, she's actually the one getting approached today.
Me: What's the worse line you've ever heard.
Me: Lol. At least it wasn't what I heard some guy say. He opened using some sexual line. (Here I should have said, "I heard the guy say, 'How'd you like me to eat your pussy all night until you were dying to have me in you?' Isn't that pathetic? What a pervert." I reading hearing that on fastseduction as a GM type line to drop in. The girl shouldn't get pissed b/c I'm just relying what some moron at a club said to a girl. Next time I need to say this.)
We then fluffed for a bit, and then I ejected for some reason. I think it was partially b/c I felt I didn't do a good job on one of her shit tests. She had commented (after we had talking about lame lines) that she wouldn't date a guy she met at the club anyway. She said, "If you got married, what you tell your grandkids? I met him in a club." My lame reponse was, "I'm sure people have me that way but they probably lied about it. Later, I saw a pair of guys work the set. I think they did pretty well as they stayed in for over 20 minutes. Later, I couldn't find the girls, so I don't know if they venue changed with the guys or just gave the #'s and then left. Either way, I was the idiot. I was doing okay with the blonde and I should have kept plodding until I got rejected.
Better possible responses to the blondes comment about meeting guys in the club.
-Bust on her for that in the same way that I don on girls who say they wouldn't date a guy who lived in a tent. I could do my pattern, or just use the quick Brad Pitt lookalike+butterfly feelings.
-If you met that special someone who understands you in a way no one else can, then who cares how you met?
-If you knew me, you wouldn't be saying this. (Too cocky, or is it C&F?)
-Why are you thinking about that? Take it easy, you haven't won me over yet!
HB8.5 or 9:
I saw a 6 foot tall, thin blonde who might have been a HB9. (I'm still trying to figure out my personal scale.) I found out she was Russian. I made some situational comment, then asked her where she was from as I detected an accent. When she said she was Russian, I said "Hi" in Russian. Then I tried the "upside down Christmas tree open" and then she ejected. Still, she was one of the hottest chicks that I've ever approached so I'm glad I did that. Of course she was a lone wolf when I approached her, so that made it easier. Also, I saw some AFC (Seamas says the guy was acting like a BAFC) eyeing the girl, so I decided to make him envious by approaching the girl that I knew he was hoping he could approach.
Plodding pays off:
These two girls were dancing near Jason & Seamas for about the last hour. The blonde seemed to be really into dancing. Jason and her friends had tried to get her to go on the little stage in the middle of the dancefloor. She had gone up twice but she got self-conscious and then came down right away. I saw the girls go to the bar so I told Seamas that we should go sarge them. He said he'd come with so I was forced to not be a bluffer so I went over there. (I word it like this b/c I felt some hesitation but I didn't want to disappoint.)
I go up to the blonde and say, "Hi. I saw you dancing over there. You have pretty good moves, but I'm wondering why you wouldn't get on stage."
Blonde: I don't really know how to dance.
Me: (BTW, this shows that many girls probably really are self- conscious about their dancing. I had heard that this was the case in a mASF post, but this helped prove it for me in the field. I thought she had done a good job earlier, but clearly she wasn't so confident in herself.) That's not true, I saw your moves. Are you just not adventurous?
Blonde: (I don't remember exactly what she said, but it wasn't bad. Slightly better than neurtral.)
By this time, Seamas was standing like 4 feet away from me so I motioned for him to come in. I then told him in his ear that he should talk to one of the girls. He started talking to the brunette. The blonde and I were just standing there listening. The problem was that we were criss-crossed. I moved him to be next to the girl, but I didn't tell him to switch over. Last week, I would indicate to Jason physically that he should move next to the girl he was talking too, but I also would tell him that we should switch. After I had moved Seamas, he turned to me and started talking to me. I guess he thought I was trying to get his attention instead of trying to move him. By doing this, he backturned his girl. She then turned around and I turned around too.
Seamas then thought the sarge was over. I told him that we really didn't get rejected. I said I could reopen the set. He told me to do it then. I hesitated. After like 2 minutes, I realized the girls were still standing there so I went up and said, "Hey. I want you to help settle a debate. Would you date a guy that lived in a tent?"
Girl: No. (very adamantly) NO!
Me: Come on, I don't believe that. I hear about these romance novels that women love. They marry the pool guy or stable hand.
Girl: No way.
Me: You're telling me that you wouldn't care if the guy looked like Brad Pitt. Imagine that he gave you that butterfly feeling in your stomach when you talked to him. If you found out later that he lived in a tent, you'd still ditch him?
Girl: Well, if the guy were a noble prize winner or something I might. Intelligence is better than money.
Me (thinking, score. I know I'm pretty smart. I figured I could get this going.) I then noticed that the blonde was just sitting there with a pissed off look on her face. I tried to engage her. I said, "Cheer up. You have a angry look on your face." The blonde woudln't cheer up and she said something to me that I couldn't hear.
I should mention that I forgot to add that the brunette at one point had tried to tell me they were lesbians. She said she gave this locket to the blonde. I don't know if it was true, but I doubted it. I figured it was a shit test. I had just blown by that. In this second approach, the blonde was showing me the locket after I called her out on her angry mood. I then just said it was nice talking to them and I ejected. I could tell that I had gotten the brunette to open up but the blonde wasn't liking me, and the brunette was starting to close off b/c of this.
I guess the lesson I learned from this is that I was able to get girls to open up more after plodding. Even if they give firm answers or backturn, you can still win them back. AGAIN I JUST HAVE TO FUCKING MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW GUNWITCH'S ADVICE: MAKE THE HO' SAY NO. I never eject. The girls either leave or tell me to leave, or I close. Those are the only three possible outcomes.
Sister of Seamas:
I made a few attempts to try to talk to her at the party. First, I had the problem that I wanted to watch the bears game. When I went to the dining room at half time, Seamas and she were there but I talked mostly to Seamas. She wasn't really in the conversation. Later, I stopped watching the game in the early fourth quarter as I didn't think the game could be interesting again. I went to find the sister. She was sitting next to Seamas on the couch, but they were involved in some movie game. Later, I came back and stole her couch seat. Seamas tried to get her to tell me about some lame line some guy had used on her in school. (On a sidenote, I think the sister is shy. She seemed hestitant to tell this short story.)
I did have an opportunity for isolation but I hesitated and then didn't do it. Almost everyone had left except for the immediate family. Seamas's stepdad was asleep in the den. Seamas's older sister, her fiance, the sister that I want, Seamas's mother, Seamas, and I were at the kitchen table. At one point, the sister I want got up and went to the kitchen. Immediately it occurred to me that I should find an excuse to get up too. My water glass was empty and so was the pitcher. I knew I should go and get a refill and then start talking to the sister. Instead, I sat there and then the sister came back with some snacks. That was a weak move on my part. That was my best chance.
I'm still convinced I'd have a chance with her. First, she seems shy and this goes with what Seamas had told me in the past. He had said that even though she's pretty, somehow she hasn't really dated that much. Back then, he said she didn't get approached much, but today he said that she has gotten approached more lately, but apparently she doesn't have a serious boyfriend. I'm sure he would have been at the party if she had and Seamas would have told me. What this means is that she wouldn't be ready for my rAFC game. She was used to AFC or BAFC game, so I could overwhelm her with all the good stuff I've learend from mASF,, and Second, I feel like I got an IOI from a lame joke I told. Seamas couldn't find his phone so he asked me to call it with my phone. Seamas's mom said that she often has to do this. I commented that I do sometimes too, but I hate it when I can't find my phone and it's on silent mode. Seamas's sister than busted out laughing, and it wasn't that funny of a remark. I don't think Seamas's mom even giggled, and neither did I. Finally (and I'll admit this point is weak as she could just be a friendly, polite person in general) but she she has made sure to say "Hi" and "Bye" to me even before I specifically address her upon arriving or departing.
I guess some other side points are that I know I've shown confident and alpha body language when I've been around her. I made sure to sit back at the table and on the couch, I didn't cross my arms nor my legs. Also, I have some social proof b/c I'm at this dinner, and I'm cool with both her mother and father. That fact, though, reminds me of how weak it is for me not to have spent more time trying to talk to her. I shouldn't be worried of the parents getting the wrong idea b/c I've already have some acceptance from them. Now, of course, even if I had turned her on, she couldn't kiss me there or whatever, but it woudln't look like I was sarging her if I just had made more conversation.