Thursday, January 26, 2006


Just a week ago, I would have thought that it wasn't even close. I had only done one or two daygame approaches while I have done a few hundred club approaches. The past few days have opened up my day game. Though I initially felt down after the mass approaches on Friday, I now feel like it's given me more confidence to do daytime approaches.

Starbucks & Crappy Sketch Artist:

Seamas, a female friend (who needs a nickname), and I met up to go out Wednesday night. Since we were in the downtown area of Gainesville, we decided to stop at the Starbucks there. It is the biggest Starbucks in the area and it was full of people at 9:30PM when we rolled in. I sarged a girl that was in line but she wasn't responsive and I was just talking to warm up. After I ordered my drink (I have developed a taste for the unsweetened passion flavored ice tea), I saw the same girl waiting for her drinked so I asked her about the club scene. She seemed nervous and not knowledgeable to I didn't really care that she was ready to leave as soon as she got her drink. Just to maintain momentum, I asked the girl behind the counter about the bar scene. (Most of the responses I've gotten about the Wed night scene is that Gator City is the happening place.)

After we got a table, Seamas kept making eye contact with this blonde 2-set. While he was debating whether or not he should approach, I was focused on two lone wolves. One was a blonde HB7 that reminded me of my ex. Another was a redhead HB7.5. I decided that the redhead was cuter and seemed like she'd be more pleasant so I decided I would approach.

Crappy Sketch Artist:

The technique is explained here. In night game, I feel comfortable walking up to sets and using an opinion opener b/c I set it up so it looks like I'm just happening to walk by. Just as I'm walking by, I turn my head sideways and run the opener. At the Starbucks, I'd feel comfortable doing the same thing if the table is on the way from the washroom or the counter, or if the table is nearby. HBreadhead, though, was on the far side of the room and I was in the middle. To get to her table, I'd have to squeeze through a maze of seated people and tables. I figured I wouldn't be able to pull of indirect because it wouldn't make sense for me to weave through that maze just to ask her if she'd date a guy in a tent. I did feel comfortable running crappy sketch artist because I have run it two times already (with good reaction).

I walked up to HBred, gave her the folded paper, and said, "You have inspired me to high art." She opened it and giggled. I replied, "I'm glad to see you have a sense of humor. It's a highly abstract work of art with a touch of realism." She went along with it and said, 'I should keep this."
Me: It's going to be worth something.
HB: But it says I'm only semi-cute (I wrote on the paper: Semi-cute redhead at Starbucks, Ted, 2006).
Me: I didn't get a good look from far away. Besides, I think personality is more important that looks. Besides your sense of humor, what qualities do you have to offer?
HB: I don't know. Lots.
Me: (I realized I couldn't get her to qualify yet so I went into the tent opener.)
HBred gave an "It depends" answer and then asked if I lived in a tent.
Me: Yeah, I'm thinking about getting a tent on a beach in Maui. (In her tent response, she had said she'd base her decision on why the tent guy was living there. She said something like if he was living there to try out the LA scene, it would be different that if he were just vegging out there.) I decided to run "Are you Adventurous/Spontaneous?'
HBred: (to Adventurous?) Yes.
Me: Really? Tell me the most adventurous thing you've done. (Then my usual immediate reply of: Actually, I don't know how weird you are yet. Just tell me something that you've done that's a little adventurous.)
HBred: I don't know. You can just think up random stories like that.
Me: (I wanted to demonstrate a story but I felt it might be qualifying, so I asked her if she were spontaneous.)
HBred: Yes. (When prodded for an example, she immediately gave one. I don't remember the exact story.)
Me: See, it wasn't that hard to come up with a story. I'm glad that you're adventurous and spontaneous b/c I only hang out people who are adventuous. If you had said no to either of those questions, I would have to walk away.
HBred: Well, you get points for approaching me.
Me: (I was about to say that I give her a star for a sense of humor and being spontaneous. Then I was going to say that she need to get X (probalby 5 stars) to get a prize. Before I could do this, Seamas's friend, our pivot, came up to me.)
Pivot: We have to get going soon.

I knew she had come up b/c Seamas had said before that he was going to try to constrain me so I would be forced to close. I really think I was on my way to closing, but I wanted to game her a little more. Pivot's approach stalled the set as HBred said, "Well, I guess I should be getting back to my work." I felt like I hadn't ran enough game so I didn't want to close so I just walked away.

I think I was ready to close her as I had that goal in mind. Seamas was trying to be helpful, but it ended up blowing me out because I wasn't ready for it. Thinking back on it, I should have just tried to close HBred anyway. When she said she had to get back to her work, I could have said something like, "I have a feeling if we could talk without these constraints, we'd have a good time. What steps can we take to make sure we can talk again?"

I have to remember that ASF people say that number closing is easy. She probably would have given me her number, though she probably would have flaked since I didn't feel like I had built enough rapport. I know that getting numbers, even ones that will be flakes, is the way to get me past my SP. Still, I do feel like I'm ready to close. I found myself constantly evaluating when I should close. This is in contrast to all my sarges up to yesterday. There, I'd always be thinking on what routines or questions I could ask next and not when I should close. With the goal firmly in my head, I think I will close before I leave FL.

Street Approaches:
We had a successful street sarge after Starbucks. We talked to these HB6's for about 10 minutes. I was ready to close my target until she said she was married. People on ASF say that you should try to close those anyway, but I just don't feel like I'm good enough to game married girls. On top of that, I had been trying to pattern love and connection. On married girls, you have to try to build attraction and lust. With my patterns, I was sending out the signal that I was looking for a soulmate, which many girls probably would eat up, but if you're going to close married girls, you don't do it by trying to build a deep connection.

Club Game:

We went to the bar area near the UF campus as that's where people go on Wednesdays. We ended up at the club next to Gator City as GC was filled to capacity. I opened a few sets but only a few were worth talking about.

Drunk Girl:
There was this drunk HB6 that I had approached several times. I felt like I was doing pretty well but she kept walking away. It seemed like she was really fitting into that ADD party girl sterotype as she couldn't keep still at all, even when I wasn't talking to her. I even got a kino IOI from here when I busted her on her coughing. She happened to be getting a drink next to me one time, and I turned and asked her if she had avian bird flu. I said wanted to know b/c I didn't want to catch it. She giggled and then touched me in the way that shows that she was enjoying my teasing.

Seamas kept asking me to go back to her. I had approached her like 3-4 times, but she seemed too drunk to game. I was proven correct shortly after b/c she got booted from the club by the cops for being too drunk.

Pivot works:
Our pivot proved her worth by pulling a girl from the dance floor. Seamas talked to her briefly and seemed to be doing well. I then started talking to her. Seamas and our pivot walked away and left me isolated but I wasn't able to get anything going. She wouldn't do the ESP test and I couldn't get her to respond. She said she had to go look for her friends and would be back so I walked away. (You never wait for girls b/c they likely aren't coming back and you look like a tol if you are still standing there later. Of course, if you've run great game and she legitimately has to go to the washroom or something, you could stay, but this clearly wasn't the case here.)

Party guy:
I didn't feel like I was in total party mood like I've felt in Maui or at Alumni Club Schaumburg. That part of my personality did show a few times. I feel like I'm good with the one liners. I can make girls giggle with comments as I walk by but I haven't figured out how to actually run game after that. I guess the answer is that I just stop after I get a positive reaction and start running routines. Some examples:

-I saw a girl standing by the wall, playing with her cell phone. As I walked by, I said, "Did he call yet?" I learned that line from mASF and so far it works. She giggled after I said that, but I kept walking.

-When girls bump into me or make contact with me, I bust them for being drunk. I also have been saying, "Hey, watch it. I need at least a foot of personal space around me." I usually get a few laughs and I know I'm DHV by being a challenge. This is completely opposite of what AFC's would do. They would try to get felt up more or turn all sappy. Again, my problem is with the follow up. I think after I run the line, I'm going to say something like, "Well, if you're going to stand there, why don't you give me your opinion on something my buddy and I were discussing (then run tent opener)."

Did you grab my ass?

I actually could have used that opener last night, but didn't think of it until later. I was talking to Seamas when I felt someone invading my personal space. A had even brushed against my ass. I turned and saw some girl standing to close to me. I should have turned and said, "Did you grab my ass?" or "Hey, take it easy. It's $20 a touch here." Instead, I ran the personal space routine in the last paragraph. She then walked away b/c I didn't run any more game.


I guess I didn't enjoy night game as much as I wasn't able to completely transform into total party guy mode. I think I need to take a nap in the afternoon so I'm better rested. A bigger factor might be that I'm getting used to being heard easily in day game. Club game seems more frustrating now as I have to almost yell to be heard. Also, you get unseen obstacles pulling targets away. In day game, there are more lone wolves so you get more time to run game.

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