Thursday, March 30, 2006
Today, I gathered another gem to fix the puzzle that is my inner game. Seamas has been telling me this for the past week, but I haven't realized how much it really applies to me. Before I go into it, I'll update my situation.
Out gamed on Myspace:
I was sarging some girl on myspace that I fell for as I described in earlier posts. She was supposed to meet me, and then backed out. I thought my "seizing the day" message to her would help my sarge, but I think it might have made her decide not to meet me. We messaged a bit after that, but then I tried to press her for another meeting. She ignored the first message, but then I wrote another one that she couldn't ignore. I replied to her e-mail and the only question I asked was at the end, I asked her what her schedule was like for another meet.
After doing that, I decided that I needed to ignore her for at least a week. That would make her more likely to meet me and it would be good for me b/c I would stop thinking about how I messed up by moving too slowly. As I figured out this move, I really wanted to withdraw the last e-mail I sent her. My feelings were correct as she didn't reply to that e-mail. I planned on doing a takeaway, but she realized that I had started to feel desperate. She could sense that I wanted to meet too badly so she stopped the e-mailing just as I was about to do a takeaway. The community says to only do takeaways when you spike a girl's interest or buying temperature. When you do a takeaway at a low point, you lose. Well, I haven't e-mailed her, but she doesn't miss me b/c she could sense my neediness. I needed to do this ignore about a week earlier when she was excitedly e-mailing me, even though she had just gotten a new boyfriend.
The CORE Problem:
Seamas told me that I have to eliminate this belief that I'm not good enough for girls. He says that it's obvious that I believe that I'm only good enough for a certain caliber or girl. On the HB scale, I probably think I'm good enough for HB6-6.5. HB7's fit in there, but that is about the maximum that I think I can get. I feel like I have no chance with HB8+ and that's hurting my progress. This hurts me in two ways. First, I don't approach good looking girls as often b/c I feel like I'm going to strike out. I'm missing out on practice by not sarging those sets, and when I do sarge them, I set up failure by not believing in myself. As I believe I can sarge HB6's, I get frustrated when I get blown out by a bunch of them at the club. I should realize that I can get blown out by HB6's just as I can by HB7's & even 8's.
To be clear, I should note that there is a difference in technique for the gorgeous girls. HB9's and higher are a whole different level. I've seen the posts in the community from guys that have mastered picking up the HB7's. They say that there is a huge learning curve when they tried to focus on the really hot girls. Pulling the hottest girls in the club is really the top level and I'm surely not ready for that. I don't even think I should attempt those sets unless I really want to practice getting busted up. The problem is that I apply that to the lesser girls too.
As I've been working out again, I can feel my old thoughts creeping back in. I keep telling myself that I'll be ready for hotter girls (meaning thin, cute girls, and not even HB8's) when I get in shape. The community says that looks help slightly but game is the most important. I should remember that I've gotten in incredible shape before and since I didn't improve my game, my results were the same as when I was fat. The answer is that I need to practice my game with the attractive girls so I'll be ready when I'm thin. I need to believe that if I just improved my game and looked the same, I will be able to sarge these girls. If I don't feel adequate, then I'm not going to be successful. I'm going to eject early, or I'm just not going to run solid game .
I have to stop telling myself that I don't deserve attractive girls until my game is solid and I'm in great shape. If I keep practicing my sarges on them, then even without my game improving, I'd pull some of them through sheer numbers. I probably have enough skill to pull some cute girls now. I've shown some promise in the past and I've improved much since October. As with other aspects of my life, I just have to believe in my progress and allow myself to succeed.