Sunday, March 05, 2006

Turned into a KJ:

Okay, so it's not that extreme, but in some ways I have. Total number of approaches this week is <3. style="font-weight: bold;">

I started a myspace account at the urging of Seamas. It's pretty cool. I've been trying to sarge random girls in the area but with little success so far. I got one girl to respond right away, but she hasn't responded since. I must say that myspace is showing me how to have the "I don't give a fuck attitude." I'll send out messages to every girl that I find some info to work with. I'll say random stuff that I might be reluctant to try in person b/c it's the internet. To get good at real life PUA, I need to have the same attitude when I'm approaching. In fact, I should be more willing to put myself on the line in person. In person, the girl gets to judge me by my looks, and whatever I can demonstrate in the few seconds of opening her. On myspace, though, she can learn a lot about me in my profile. In some ways, I'm getting rejected on more substance on myspace then I am when sarging in real life.

I'll say that myspace is a good way to stay connected with old friends or acquaintances. My friend list is small, and I think I'll keep it that way. I know I can have a ton more by just trying to get random people to add me, but I want everyone on the list to be a legitimate contact. By that, I mean it's someone that I "know" on some level. Obviously, people who have 100+ or even 1000+ friends don't really keep in contact with all those people.

High school:
There was only one other person from my high school on myspace. I contacted her. I'm not trying to sarge her; I'm just chatting. She is actually pretty cool and it's strange that I never chatted with her back in high school. Well, it's not so strange as I was a WBAFC that was completely terrified with women.

Seperation of myspace & blog:

Myspace actually has a blog, but I'm not using it since I have this. I also haven't linked the two of them, though someone with a little ingenuity and time could probably figure out which one was mine. Some day, I think I'll actually put a link on myspace to this blog, but for right now, I'm keeping them seperate. Since I'm sarging on myspace, I don't really want them to be able to read all this without getting to know me. Later, when I've flcosed a ton of girls, I won't care as much b/c I'll have the right sarging attitude. As other people have shown, being know as a pick-up artist or player doesn't hurt their game, but I'm not on that level yet.

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