Thursday, April 13, 2006
I didn't really feel like going out tonight, but I knew that I had to go out and practice. Saturday was a good night and I was hoping to build on that. I got to Cadillac Ranch around 1am. There were a good amount of people for a Wednesday, but I've seen it busier. I took longer than usual to get warmed up. I need to be doing some sort of sarging at least every other day. I don't have to go to the club; I can go to Starbucks or the bookstore. In fact, I really should be working more on day game. More on that later.
I talked to about 5 guys before I got warmed up. Later, I opened just about every set that I was interested in with two exceptions. I had to talking to this cool tall guy who pointed out a stripper set. Part of me wanted to approach to test my game out, but I never did. I would have gotten busted out but I need the practice. The funny thing is that I didn't think they were the hottest girls in the club. The other was this chubby, but very cute blonde that I had talk to two weeks ago. I couldn't find her alone and I didn't feel comfortable opening the huge 6 mixed set she constantly rolled with. Plus, I already used my good openers on her. She seems to go there a lot, so I'll see her again.
Boring girls:
I only ejected out of two sets and I think it was good to do so. I seemed to know how to pick boring girls tonight. I had several girls tell me the usual thing that they don't do anything except barhop and work. No travel, of course. Several of them even said that they weren't adventurous. I was in a two set for a few minutes. The girls had met at work so I was doing okay with isolation as the other girl wasn't trying to cockblock, even though she was bored. It looked like I picked the wrong one to talk to though. She wouldn't tell me any adventure stories and she wouldn't do the trust test. Then, she told me she had stories, but she would never tell me any of them. I decided to eject b/c I wasn't getting anymore. What I probably should have done was turn and talk to the other girl. I could have used the Mystery line, "I've been alienating your friend here." I don't think this girl would have cockblocked either.
I opened two boring lone wolves too. One was a cute, and somewhat busty blonde that I had seen walking around by herself. She later told me she was with guy friends. I ran tent on here. Then, she told me she wasn't adventurous. All she does it work and go to school. I ran Mystery's "What do you want to be when you grow up, and don't say princess." The girl responds with, "I don't know." Blah. She could see we weren't getting anywhere as she actually ejected herself. The only was this short, petite blonde. I had talked to this black dude earlier. I was just standing around when I saw this blonde standing next to the wall. I see the black dude come and try his game. He had some natural game. He started with kino. He went with direct game by telling her she's cute and asking her name. He has confidence, but I think his lines are too typical. He got busted out in like 30 seconds, so I turned and ran my tent opener. She was very similar to the busty girl. She wasn't adventurous. I asked her, "What your story?" Her: I don't have one. Me: Do you travel? Her: I don't have time. Me: What would you do for fun if you had more time. Her: I don't know. Me: Okay, you're very pretty. What do you have going for you besides your looks? Her: What do you mean? Me: Beauty is common. I'm trying to see what you having for you besides looks? Her: I don't know. Me: Do you realize that you've told me that you aren't adventurous and you have nothing going for you?
I decided to eject and I said, "Think about your responses, and maybe I'll be back later." Now, the problem here could have been that I didn't demonstrate enough value. I suppose PUA's would have told some stories and kept plowing. In retrospect, I could have tried to cube her or something but I just felt stuck. I guess I forget what Mystery says, "When you're stuck, try to go and extra 20%."
Day game:
I'm not giving up night game as I still feel like I'm close to some success. I keep blowing off day game. I met my ex at Starbucks earlier in the day, and there were a bunch of girls there. There were also a lot of girls shopping. I need to be as quick to open in day game as I am at the club and I'll start to see some results. I probably am more likely to find a girl that I'd really be interested in at Starbucks or the bookstore rather than the bar on a weekday. You get a lot of the boring party girls on weekdays. At least on the weekends, there are more regular people out at the bars.