Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Today was a huge event for me. I actually got my first Day 2 since getting into the game in Oct. I had FR+ in January with a girl that I met through a friend, but that was different. This Day2 was from a totally random pickup. Over the weekend, I started to worry that the girl might flake. I called her on Thursday and she didn't call me back. I later called her Sunday afternoon and I told her about this Ben and Jerry's event on Tuesday. I asked her if she could meet earlier so we could get ice cream, or if we should meet at 8:30 as planned. When Monday rolled around, I was really expecting the flake, but she called me around 6PM and we ended up confirming.
The interaction was so long that I don't really know how to write a report. I guess I'll go with the good and bad things that happened.
-I didn't do enough kino. I knew this was important but I ended up sitting too far away from her to be able to touch her without leaning forward. Seamas later asked me why I didn't go to the bathroom or something. The answer is that I was afraid she would use that time out to end the date. I know I'm supposed to not care, but I'm still learning!
-When Starbucks kicked us out, she said, "Wow I didn't realize it was that late." I replied, "It's not that late, this is about what time we met." She responded, "Yeah, but I'm tired from work." She felt this was a good time to end the date and that comment made it clear that a venue change would get rejected.
-When playing the question game, I got too personal on a question and she refused to answer it. That ended the question game. I should have stayed with questions that she was comfortable with answering. For example, she told me what her favorite position was and that she'd join the mile high club.
-I tried to set up the Day 3 as we were ending the date and she said she was busy. She might genuinely be busy. After all, she didn't call me until Monday and she said the reason was that she was really busy.
-I showed neediness when I kept trying to get her to set up the Day3 now. She said she was busy in Starbucks, and as I was walking her out, I mentioned it again. I asked her if she was busy on Sunday, and she said she had plans. Then, I asked her about next week, and she said, "We'll see." The thing is that she was willing to commit to the Day2 last week easily, so I can imagine that I messed it up.
-She didn't kino me, and I didn't get any huge IOI's from her.
-I showed too much interest by constantly facing her and trying to make eye contact. She looked away sometimes, and that was a bad sign :(
-She might have felt that we didn't have a lot in common. I didn't like how she didn't have any answers to any of my eliciating values questions. She said she never really thought about what she wants in guys, or relationships. I lost points for not recognizing her favorite director (the guy who directed Spiderman, Army of Darkness, and Evil Dead).
-SHE'S ALLERGIC TO CATS! That really sucks!
-She is vegetarian. (I know she'd like "Blind Faith Cafe" but I'm afraid of getting into the dating frame.)
The Good:
-The Day2 went from 19:40-22:00. That's almost two and a half hours. If she really disliked me, she would have found a reason to leave sooner. She enjoyed my company enough to stay until Starbuck's closed.
-When we walked out, we stood there looking at each other. I knew that as an AFC I would have felt that it was time to make a move for the kiss. The rAFC in me recognized that I hadn't gotten enough kino in, so I didn't want to try for the kiss. I just told her to give me a hug and we hugged. If she totally wasn't into me, she would have walked to her car as quickly as possible b/c she expected the AFC move.
-She did try to pick up the conversation in the dull spots.
-She answered some sexual questions during the question games and asked me some intimate questions.
-We had fun thumb wrestling. That was a great was to force kino and it was playful.
-She seems inexperienced with relationships. She's only had one boyfriend. That means I should have more chances for mistakes.
-We both like sushi.
Game Plan:
-I'm not going to give up. I'm also not going to call for a few days as I have to make up for showing neediness at the end of the date. I figure I'll call her over the weekend and try to set something up next weekend.
-As Seamas and I always say, the answer is more options. The more sets I sarge, the more Day's I'll get and the closer I'll get to becoming a PUA.