Sunday, April 09, 2006
Tonight was finally a good night. It wasn't a great night: that would be getting a kclose of an fclose. Heck, I didn't even get a #close. More on that later.
I went to Alumni Club in Schaumburg. I was sitting at home feeling sorry for myself and then I decided that I needed to go out and practice. I want to get some girls and I've already read enough theory. The only thing I need to do is practice and I'll get better. I called up Jason and he didn't feel like going out tonight. My friend Jpunk was supposed to go sarge in the early evening, but he was busy too. I debated for about 15 minutes before I finally just started getting dressed. My original plan was to check out Border's Bookstore in Schaumburg and then hit Alumni Club. I saw that there was no cover at Alumni if I went before 9PM so I decided to head straight there. I'm better off having two beers instead of paying a cover.
Alumni was dead when I got there at 9pm. The only girls there were hired guns. There were a bunch of guys sitting around and playing the Texas Hold 'em game on the TV. Playing poker was the last thing I wanted to do; if I was going to play, I might as well have stayed home and tried to make money. Since there were not sets, I ended up playing that for an hour and I chatted with this guy next to me.
Married 3-set:
I have no idea how many sets I approached. I talked to at least 12, but again I ejected a few times when I probably shouldn't have. mASF people say to plow through sets just to practice, but if a set stalls, I feel like I'm better off opening another set. Maybe I'm wrong. Anyway, I had seen these three girls walk in around 9:30PM. There were two skinny girls, and a large girl. When I got done playing the poker game, I decided to approach the large girl as I saw her sitting by herself. I used the tent opener and we chatted for a bit. The hot friends showed up and I opened them. I had already found out that it was HBblonde's birthday so I wished her a happy one. The hottest girl was this shorter brunette that was wearing a hat.
HBhat was cool, but unfortunately all of them were married. I know that mASF people say that isn't an issue, but I know my game is still developing. I decided to stick around for social proof and practice. HBhat and I chatted for a bit. A few minutes in, she offered to buy me a shot. She bought 4 shots: one for each of her two friends, one for her, and one for me. As we were doing this some guys came by. One was a guy who I had talked to in the bathroom. His friend started talking to the larger girl. Some other dude started sarging the blonde so I was left talking to the brunette.
I did some kino and maintained eye contact, but that was it. Other than that, we just talked. She did try some tests but I'm too aware of how to deal with this stuff now:
HB: How old are you?
Me: (standard ASF line) How old do you think I am?
HB: 25?
Me: Close. Your friend guessed 26. I'm 28.
HB: How old do you think I am?
Me: Well, your friend already told me you're all 31.
HB: Do I look that old?
Me: Naw, you look like you're in your 20's.
There was some other stuff. At one point, we commented about the guys sarging her friends. I said that they looked like they weren't do too badly. I then did an imitation of bad game by putting my arm around her and leaning over. I said that at least the guys weren't doing that, but most guys have weak game. She asked, "What do you do? Say, 'Hi," and then offer to buy a drink?" Me: No, they have to earn that. Her: Even if they are pretty like me. Me: There are a lot of pretty girls here. It just depends on how they act. Her: You mean I'm not the prettiest girl here? Me: So, you're saying that you're prettier than your friends here? I'm not going to answer b/c there's no right answer.
Later, HBhat started to feel self-conscious and starting asking me if she still looked good. I resisted at first and said, "Come on. You know the answer to that. You two good up to the stage and dance." HB: Yeah, but I'll be doing that when I'm 80. Do I look old? Me: Let me see. (I then took off her hat.) Yeah, you lookcute. HB: Do I look better without the hat? Me: Sure.
She ended up not wearing the hat for the rest of the night. LOL. I could have kept hanging with them, but I decided to use my social proof to open the set behind me.
Ejecting again:
I opened the set behind these married girls b/c I didn't think I could get a fclose, and that would have been my only option. I figured the set would open up easier b/c they could clearly see that I had already been hanging out with some hotties. I ran some routines on them, but then I ejected to talk to other girls. It probably is a mistake. I keep having that "grass is greener on the other side" mentality. I think that somewhere else in the venue is a set that will be a breeze the entire way. I think I ejected out four sets too early today. I hadn't even gotten backturned on these sets, but I decided to leave. I have to keep rereading TD's "State Control" post on Bristol Lair. I keep giving up a possible lay in order to keep the sure thing of having sarged a set well for 3-4 minutes.
Foiled again:
I did have a good sarge that got messed up by bad logistics (again, sigh). I opened this four set that was seated at a table near the dance floor. I saw the girls looking at the dance floor and looing up at the stage area in the middle of the dance floor. I opened one of them by saying, "Hey, it's actually more fun if you get up there." The girl giggled and said they were taking a break. I saw that one blonde friend was just chilling on her chair, so I ran the tent opener on her. I actually remembered to use a false time contraint. (That's been another SP for me. I keep forgetting.) I said, "Hey, I need an opinion on something. It'll only take a sec and then I have to get back to my friends. Would you date a guy that lived in a tent?"
The girl initially said she wouldn't but then I ran my usual follow up. At this point, I felt I reached a hook point. (Though not enough to override the friends, as you'll see.) She responded with a very well thought out answer. After I explained my thoughts on the tent, she agreed. She kept talking. She stopped talking for a second. I didn't say anything, and then she reinitiated a coversation (twice actually) by going on about her tent answer. I knew I was in b/c that's a big IOI. I asked her if she is adventurous. She said she's gone rock climbing. Then she named 6-7 other adventurous activities. I asked about travel, and somehow I found a way to bring up Hawaii. She said she had just come back. (Nice!). She actually had just come back from Maui as she talked about Haleakala and biking down. Just as I was about to ask her more, her friends say, "Hey, we're leaving." She said, "Sorry, I have to go."
I think I should have number closed her. At the time, I figured it was pointless as I didn't get to talk to her as long as I would have liked. She probably would have given me her phone number but it was about a 95-97% chance it would be flake. Still, I had hooked her a bit, and she had qualified herself. I should have said, "I have a feeling. I don't know if you can picture it like I can, but I think if we had a chance to talk without all these distractions and time constraints, we'd have fun." (That similar to an ASF #close routine that I'm actually going to look up after this so I get the wording right.) It wouldn't have hurt to get a flake number. At least I would have had a tiny chance instead of no chance of talking to her again. Oh well. It sucks b/c that was the best set of the night. The married HB's were the best, but this could have went somewhere.
Jealous look:
I'm sure I messed up a set by what I did, but it still felt good to get the look. I had opened this cute HB with glasses earlier. I saw them in the upstairs area so I talked to them again. The HBglasses smiled at me and said, "Hey" when she saw it was me. I chatted briefly and they started dancing. I don't know how to dance so I opened these Eastern European girls. The blonde was cute and reminded me of one of my ex's friends. I was doing okay with her, but I knew the friend was getting bored. I tried to engage the friend, but then I got the sense that the friend was trying to drag her friend away. I didn't want to look stupid in front of the other girls so I ejected.
The only good thing about opening these E European set was that I managed to see HBglasses look when I was in this set. On Fat Tuesday, I saw how all the girls were looking at Jason when he was dancing with hotties. I saw that same look on HBglasses. She had that jealous look. I later saw her walking by as I was talking to this Mexican guy I had met a few months ago. I stopped her and gave a false apology. I said that those E European girls were friends of my ex.
Later, I saw those girls again upstairs. I approached HBglasses. She asked me if I had said I that I ran into my ex. I said that it was friends of her. I then tried to game her, but I think I messed it up. I couldn't keep her attention. She kept looking at the TV that was showing the dance floor. I tried the discount magic trick and the ESP test, but she kept looking back to the TV so I gave up. Mistake?
I went back to the large married girl and this AMOG was standing near her. He didn't realize I had been chatting with them earlier. I stood by her and him and he gave me a look and said something like, "What are you doing?" He was bigger than me and I got the impression that he was trying to intimidate me. LOL. Please. I would have been scared about 6 months ago but now I know how to handle these guys. As I tell my old friends, it's not like I'm at a gangbanger hang out. I looked him in the eye and said, "Hey, what's up man?" Guy: What are you doing? Me: I'm just hanging out man. What's your name?
I still laugh that these big guys think they can intimidate me by just looking at me. It's so funny that the AMOG techniques work. I actually haven't had any escalate once I've looked them in the eye and show by my body posture that they aren't going to scare me like that.
Keep qualifying kid:
I opened these this 21 year old HB. I ran the tent, of course, but then after I finished it, I decided to just see if she would qualify herself. I immediately said, "So what do you have going besides your looks? I mean, you're very pretty, but beauty is common." (from Mystery's DVD's.) I have never tried to qualify that early into the sarge. Well, I've run the adventurous routine, but I never ask so directly like I did here. To my surprise, she said she was finishing school and trying to be a teacher.
I ended up ejecting form this set, and again maybe I shouldn't have. My HB leaned in to talk to her friend. Two guys had also shown up halfway through the sarge. I could tell they were AFC's b/c they were just letting me talk to their friend. When my HB talked to her friend, I started talking to the guys. In retrospect, I should have asked their relations so I could have gotten the full scoop. Later, I saw the HB's sitting there again, but I didn't open them again b/c I was busy opening another set.
I'm surprised this entry was this long. I figured it would be easy. I guess it's good I described the night in detail so I can look back on this when rough times come. As I've said in other entries, I can see that I'm close to really taking it down. Maybe I'd be closer if I got past this ejection SP. I'm sure doing better than I was a week ago. I've cut down on the hand movementsas Jpunk explained that I was doing it WAY too much.
I actually got the party guy thing down today. I've had good nights where I make some guy friends that I turn into wings, but I never created a social proof set of girls before. Heck, I even got the free shot and those girls were cool. I knew I had those girls hooked when HBhat would say, "Now you can go" after I'd mess with her, and then she immediately say, "No, don't. I'm just kidding." I opened almost every set that I wanted too as well. Sure, there were some girls on the dance floor that I could have opened, but I was constatly talking to different people tonight. I even opened the bachelorette party. I tried to cheer them up b/c they were looking tired and I did get a few of them to smile.
The best thing about tonight is that I didn't even feel like going out. Every time I started to wonder if I was going to be lame (on the way over there) I shut out those thoughts and told myself that I've gotten better since October. I know solid number closes are close. I just have to keep sarging and more nights like this will happen. This sure beats when I creeped out those married girls from Wisconsin.