Sunday, April 16, 2006
As I lay awake in bed last night, I thought about my game, of course. I wrote last time that I definitely need to add negs to my game, but then I realized what I really need to work on now. For the past six months, I've had to work on big issues: developing alpha body language and attitudes, working on inner game, destroying self-limiting beliefs, and probably most important, eliminating approach anxiety. I've progressed far in solving many of those issues so now it's time to work on some finer points of my game. Last night, I determined that I really need to work on using spoken language to create emotion and vivid imagery in the women I sarge. As I write this paragraph, I also realize that I need to work on feeling less nervous when I'm actually in set, especially with the hotter sets I'm now approaching. I think this will take care of itself as I do more approaches. As I get more and more practice, I'll just feel more comfortable.
As a guy, I keep making the mistake of focusing on facts. When a woman brings up a topic, I need to do my best to use that topic as a way to get into patterning. This post in about "Fluff Talk" is a great starting point. When a woman says she likes a certain activity, I have to do my best to describe the emotions that the activity invokes. I can also use my words to help stimulate my target's imagination. For example, when I asked the HB's at Barleycorn on Saturday about travel, one girl talked about visiting Paris and Rome. I could have said something like, "I remember going to Rome when I was younger. There was something magical about being in Italy, but more than that, I felt as if being there helped take my mind back in time. I remember seeing some of the Roman ruins and I found myself picturing the chariots or the Roman soldiers walking around." And so on... The problem is that I have a hard time spontaneously coming up with such responses.
The solution also hit me last night. In future entries, I'll try to recall specific points in conversations where I knew I was stalling or where I couldn't think of a reply that would make the conversation more interesting. I'll then craft some better responses. For example, I'll write out some responses that use patterning. I'll write down any interesting stories that come to mind. I'll figure out other topics towards which I can move the conversation. Over several months, I'll have so many responses built into my routine that I'll really be able to relax. I'll be able to spark women's imaginations and emotions at points where I used to stall.