Saturday, April 15, 2006
Some plans got cancelled so I decided to go to this birthday dinner at Big Bowl. This particular Big Bowl is in the Streets of Woodfield mall. I was in there a few days ago to hang out with my ex and I noticed there were a lot of targets there. As I pulled near Starbucks, I saw a three set sitting outside of Jamba Juice. I was on the phone with a buddy and I decided that I was going to approach that set.
My approach anxiety has lessened as I opened that set without even warming up. I walked right up and ran the tent opener on them. Immediately they all focused on me, and I noticed two AFC's in the table next door looked at me like I was some PUA god as they listened to my speech. When I did my usual romance novel follow up, the blonde said, "Those women in the romance novels don't fall in love with the pool guy, they have sex with him and go back to their husbands." I like a woman who's comfortable talking about sex, but I was starting to get nervous running the set. I didn't know how to keep entertaining this three set, so I decided to call it a good warmup and move on. I'll get more comfortable running sets in the day time, but I'm still happy with what I did. I've definately made huge progress over even three weeks ago as I am now opening more than ever.
I was running late so I headed over to Big Bowl after I used the washroom at this department store. I didn't open any sets, but I did hold eye contact with this late 30-something blonde. She smiled which made me feel good. I suppose I should have tried to open her but I was walking the opposite direction. At big bowl, I stood around waiting for my friends and looking for sets. I was scoping out this set that got immediate seating when my buddy walked in. I wanted to open them but coudln't think of how to do it, so I went to my standby. I like it to look like I just happened to walk by when I do my opener. When I've been standing around for too long, I feel awkward. I went to the restroom and then came back. I came upon my buddy having some discussion about his haircut. He was saying that guys say he looks older and women think he looks younger. I opened the set by getting their opinion. My friend turned back after I opened, so I had to entertain the set. I ran the tent on them and then I started to ask some other questions. The appetizers arrived and I remembered that women hate to be bothered while eating so I tried to eject. This light skinned girl (who I later learned was Mexican, though she didn't look like it) asked me another question to keep me in the set. I took this as an IOI. I still wanted to eject b/c of the food, and b/c the other girl, an Korean girl was looking annoyed that I was there.
Fast foward about 15 minutes . We finally get seated and I'm thinking that I should have number closed. I ask this girl who's the birthday boy's girlfriend. (BTW, she was totally my type. Too bad she's not single. She's 5'11" and blonde which is what i like. She was a little chunky, but not really fat, but I'm starting too appreciate that more.) She says that I should number close or I'll keep thinking about it. I knew the answer, but I felt that I needed to hear it from someone else.
I went to the washroom and then went over to the girls. They were finishing their meal. I said, "Hi" and then used a new ASF close that I memorized, "I have an intuition and I don't know if you can imagine this as I describe it. When we get a chance to talk without time constraints or interruptions, we'll really enjoy each other's company. I was wondering if there's a number where you'd feel comfortable having me call you."
The girl said no, supposedly b/c she was seeing someone. I probably should have gamed them a bit before trying to close. After I got rejected, I tried to eject, but they pulled me in with some questions about my ethnic background. The girls kept wanting to talk for some reason. I'm wondering if I should have closed the Korean girl instead.
Social Robots:
I got interrupted when writing this blog, so this is short. I noticed that I don't have as much fun in none-sarging related activites as I used to. The bowling was fun, but then I started to get bored b/c there were no girls to sarge. Well, there was an attractive girl, but she was taken. Seamas later told me that I should have "sarged" her to see if she could hook me up with a single friend. He's probably right.