Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Today I had my first day 2 out of a random sarge. This was the HB I picked up at Border's last week. In order to prep for the Day 2, I read a bunch of stuff last night. Today, I knew that I had to do a few warm up sarges so I wouldn't be nervous with my Day 2.
Gym sarge:
I had flirted two times with this girl that works at my gym a few weeks ago. I actually had thought she quit b/c she wasn't working the same day. I expected to run into this other girl today, but I was surprised to run into the Wednesday HB. I greeted her, but didn't get any reaction from here. I wasn't surprised as I know I didn't make a good enough impression to last three weeks. I went to work out and I decided I was going to game her. I did say that I'm going to try to minimize the number of times that I don't practice as every missed opportunity just lengthens the time it's going to take me to be a PUA.
I busted on her for looking bored with the material she was reading. Later, when I was done lifting, I ran the tent opener on her. When I tried to get her to think about an attractive male actor, she said she thought of her fiance. LOL. If she was telling the truth, I sweated this all for nothing. It just goes to show that you should sarge every opportunity and not waste any thought on the girls when you're not sarging them. I could have learned this last time. Still, I decided to go an extra 20%. I didn't want her to get confirmation that I was trying a pickup. I went for a 1 mile run and then I came back. While I was running, I thought of some good lines. When I came back I said, "So, you're engaged? Wow. When's the wedding?" Girl: No sure yet. Me: Oh. It's one of those. I was actually engaged before. Girl: When. Me: About a year ago. We went ring shopping and shortly after I realized that I was getting bored. Relationships start out with such passion and then that tends to fizzle out. I've probably gotten cynical b/c of my own experiences but I'm happy that you've found someone special. Someone that you can have that incredible connection with. Someone who understands you on that deep level and someone with whom the passion never dies. I'm happy for you, and I'm also relieved. Now, I can get your opinions on stuff and I know you'll give me real answers. You won't try to influence how I think about you. Also, you won't be predictable like most girls. Why is it that when I talk to girls, they end up asking me if I have a girlfriend, and then they are suprised that I'm single? I guess I give off the committed vibe. I don't know."
I'll still run game on this girl just for practice. Maybe she'll get bored with this guy, or more likely, maybe she has some hot friends I could hook up with later. It sure beats not talking to her.
Carson Pierre Scott warmup:
I originally wanted to go to Woodfield Mall to warmup, but I was pressed for time so I hit Streets of Woodfield. I decided to go into Carson Pierre Scott, take a piss, and sarge a set. This sarge was an anomaly for me so I even posted a FR on mASF about it. Here is the FR copy & pasted:
I haven't post a field report in months. I had a Day 2 today (which I may post about). I didn't want to be nervous on my Day 2, so I decided to to hit some sets before hand to warm up. I went into Carson Pierre Scott and saw a young HB8.5 blonde hired gun folding clothes. She was in a main aisle. I walked straight ahead and then, as I got within hearing range, I turned my head and said."Looks like you're having fun."
HB: Oh yeah (sarcastically).
Me: Do you believe in ESP?
HB: Why?
Me: I'm going to guess your number. (I then run the ESP routine on her. I guess wrong both times, but I bust on her for thinking about the number too much. Next I run the tent opener. I have a short routine build around the opener "Would you date a guy that lives in a tent?" that I saw on Bristol Lair. I'm making a post in Tactics describing it).
The HB says no she wouldn't date a guy in a tent, and I bust her on being shallow. She says something like, "Most girls will tell you the same thing."
I get stuck and decide to get her to qualify herself a la Mystery "So what do you have going for you besides you're looks? I mean, you're very pretty (she says thanks as I say this and she blushes and looks down slightly) but beauty is common. What sets you apart from the other girls?
HB: I'm normal.
Me: Tell me some things that make you normal.
HB: (I don't remember her exact words, but she couldn't think of anything. When I pressed, she said she doesn't open up to people easily. I then cold read her for being the quiet girl at the bar.) No, I'm very outgoing at the bar but I'm just don't open up to random people.
Me: Are you adventurous?
HB: I'm not sure.
Me: What do you mean "you're not sure?" I guess that means no.
HB: I am adventurous.
Me: Okay, tell me a story that shows you're a little adventurous. It doesn't have to be a crazy story that only your best friends know but surely you can tell me something a little adventurous. (credit to Steve PUA's bad girl routine)
HB: I told you that I don't open to people easily. Why should I tell you anyway? You're just some random guy that walked by. (Then, she said something like, "What so special about you?" That might not have been the exact words, but that's what she meant.)
Me: (Here, I messed up. I realized this was a shit test, but instead of ignoring it, putting another hoop, or negging her, I qualified myself.) Hey, I'm fun.
HB: Yeah. Well, I have to get back to work.
This was a quick sarge but stands out as an anomaly. In day game, I've never got a girl excited this quickly. I've also never had so fast a crash either after a sarge seemed to be going so well. I think I was doing quite well until I failed the shit test. She gave me open body language early in the set and maintained it until she busted me out. She started off seeming as bored as her first comment suggested, but she brightened up quickly. She was smiling, giggling, and maintaining eye contact.
Contrast this to this girl I sarged at a bookstore last week. We ended up talking for like 30-40 minutes at the bookstore, and then I met her for a Day 2 today. She didn't seem nearly into me initially as this HB at CPS.
I remember reading that the fact that CPS HB shit tested me shows that she felt I was a contender. If she thought I was some loser from the beginning, she would have "gotten back to work" sooner. I just didn't know what to say at the time. If I could do it over, I would have just ignored her comment, and then went into another routine. I'm glad I opened this girl as I previously would have been intimidated b/c she was so hot. A few minutes later I opened a HB6.5 at Starbucks and she was lot colder to me than this HB8.5 was. It just goes to show you that you shouldn't be afraid to open the hotter girls b/c the less attractive ones aren't necessarily going to be more into you right away.