Wednesday, May 03, 2006
I thought about all the sets last night I picked out two problems. First, I wasted an opportunity on that skinny drunk girl. I had opened her 2 set earlier on the dance floor and I saw her sitting on the edge of this couch by herself. She was drunk and yelling out some stuff to this guys that weren't interested in her. I tried asking her one question but didn't get a solid response so I gave up. WTF! I now realize that I should have continued gaming her until she left or told me to go away. She was already isolated so I needed to run some game and then ask her to come outside to the beer garden. I could have run cube or whatever on her. She probably would have been more receptive to this stuff since she had just gotten blown off by some guys. Another failure is that I'm not trying hard enough to isolate my targets. I had a few girls that were in sets larger than 2-sets and I never tried an isolation move. Part of is probably a state control problem like TD takes about. I want to maintain the positive vibe that I get from opening a set well so I don't want to risk rejection, and feeling sorry for myself, by trying an isolation move. That's dumb. I obviously need to work on isolation as I already know how to open sets. Next time I sarge, I'm going to try to isolate whenever I open a 3-set or larger.
I'm reading mASF right now and someone is asking how long the PUA process takes. This particular guy is asking how long it takes to get good at fclosing girls (in other words, getting one night stands the same night that you meet the girl). He was asking guys to comment that had zero success with women when the started and not guys that already had success prior to the community. One guy responded that it takes 2 years of going out 4-7 days a week for 4 hours each time to be able to close "any girl" (his words). I guess I fail to appreciate the true difficulty of this journey. I've seen the 2-3 year mark for PUA status thrown out yet I still get frustrated that I'm getting shit results after only 6 months.