Friday, May 05, 2006
I'm suffering from inner game problems that I hope to begin resolving this weekend. In the meantime, I've been occupying myself by reading mASF zip archives. I wanted to write down some important stuff I've learned so I don't forget them.
I accidentally downloaded the archives of a poster named "scoob." I'm actually glad I did as I've learned some good stuff. In this post, he emphasizes the importance of kino. Of course, I've read all this stuff before, but I read in another post that we sometimes do little things to protect our ego from rejection. These little things hurt our progress. In club game, I really need to kino more and I'm hurting myself by not doing so. I know that I don't kino like I should b/c I'm totally inexperienced and b/c I fear that I'll get rejected and lose state. I know now that I can get in most sets and run them well for a few minutes. I guess I'm afraid that by adding kino, I'll start having to face rejection more often. I probably will as I'll be miscalibrated ,but just as I learned to open sets by getting rejected, I'll learn how to do proper kino.
Club game:
I now realized that I've been too hard on myself regarding club game. Sure, if I judged my club game by a PUA standard, I'm failing, but I need to be realistic. Once again, this is something I already knew, but reading the archives has really made it sink in. I've read some posts from some of the mASF gurus and big shots that describe their early frustrations with club game; for example, lowrider and Gunwitch both had problems. I've mentioned TD in previous posts. TD said he had ZERO success sarging for his first six months. In one of his early club FR, lowrider describes getting busted out of a ton of sets while practicing the "Blonde Hair" opener. He even vividly describes a huge C&B that messed up his state for the rest of his night. I also came upon a new rAFC like myself from Oregon. In one of his early reports, he talks about some black dude told him, "Get away from me" when he failed to vibe properly. Thinking back on the Scoob archive, I believe I remember him talking about his first solo club FR as him just standing the club and no approaching anyone.
All these examples helps me view my club experiences in a much better light. First, my first club experience was good. I didn't stand around. Instead, I made friends with this guy named Dave who was in the middle of a divorce. On a sidenote, I keep wishing I had number closed him and this other guy Mars. I never run into them in the clubs and both could have easily been turned into decent wings. I just felt weird #closing guys at the time. I owe Dave a lot as his presence my first two solo outings helped me build momentum. The quick camaraderie that we had my first solo night helped me feel confident approaching sets. There were a few times when I had approach anxiety, and he proved himself as able to open (sure, it was often AFC, but he still was able to open, which most AFC's cant do). I easily could have been scared away from club game if I had stood around all night like and AFC And made no approaches. I also could have gotten a huge C&B the first night which would have really discouraged me.
As I posted in December, I was able to make friends on my solo missions in Maui. That was a huge step for me. I never would have gone out to the club alone prior to getting involved in this community. On that trip, I went out when Sidegames wouldn't go, and I made friends on both nights. Heck, both of the dudes even bought me free drinks. I still think about how I messed up a probably fclose with HBtatoo. Heck, why call it probable. It was a definite fclose possibility, but I was too scared to even #close her. Honestly, I haven't had a sarge go down that well since, but I'm sure success is within my grasp. Another fuckup, but great experience was that Alumni Club outing with Colorado Dave. I'll never forget that I decided to just start grinding with that girl when Colorado Dave pulled a bad wing move and started hitting on my target. I was pretty good that night except I failed to #close and I failed to isolate the HBtwin. Otherwise, I opened well, and did minor kino well. I persisted a la Gunwitch, not once, but twice.
Thinking about those good experiences has helped pump up my mood, even with the other inner game issues that I have to solve. So as I did in my post on Tuesday, I'll go over what's right with my club game. I can open 2-sets and lone wolves easily. As long as the set isn't full of HB9's, I get into most sets and run a good 3-5 minute opening stack. (In the past, I've gotten down about getting busted up by the top end HB's but I read another good gem in scoob's archive. He talks about how you often need mad social proof or peacocking to get the SHB's. As he says it, "If you have any self-doubt, they'll eat you alive." I should still approach the SHB for practice, but should never let it affect my state>) That night, I made my AFC guy base, which is easy, but for the first time, I got into a mixed set base. I should have taken advantage of that better, but I suppose I still can. That crew said they go to Dakota's a ton, so I'll likely see them again. I should just vibe with them. I don't even need to sarge the girls; I should use them as social proof. I bet I can get one or both of the HB's to walk around the club with me to get me social proof. On top of all that, I opened a ton of sets, which I never would have thought possible in my AFC days.
The bottom line then is I must remember that club game is like playing a video on game on the second hardest setting. (Off the top of my head, the strip club would be the hardest setting.) If all of the big names had problems early on in club game, I shouldn't be surprised that I'm having a hard time finding real success. I should remember that I'm even doing better with my early club game than some of the zip archive people. Armed with the knowledge I have and with more practice, I surely will start seeing success. By the end of summer, if I fix the inner game issues and continue sarging, I bet I'll be able to get at least one solid number close a night. (I'm not talking about easy flake numbers. I can probably get one of those now. I'm talking about #'s that are likely to result in future meetings.)
AFC's Getting Lucky, or Not:
I was just about to post this when I remembered something big. I happened about a post about AFC's getting lucky in the scoob archive. I found the thread, which starts off with someone asking how often normal guys get laid. The OP later says he meant "naturals" but people took the question to be how often AFC guys get laid. Formhandle said he went through a 2 year period between lays. Scoob talks about a one year dry spell. With those examples in mind, I shouldn't feel frustrated that I'm currently "effectively sterile" (to use Mystery's term). Sure, it sucks, but that's soon going to change if I continue on this journey. I should be happy that I read The Game and discovered this stuff, or I might have been left to believe that I never would get the HB's, that I didn't deserve HB's b/c some guys are just not good with women, and there's nothing you good do about it. Even worse, I could have fell into what one poster describes as the marriage pattern. I believe the poster was formhandle, who says that AFC's only get laid by getting lucky: either they find some girl that really wants them and the girl makes it happen, or the AFC happens upon the magic formula that results in lay. AFC's then get so frustrated when the relationship ends and they can't get lucky again for a long time. AFC's then decide to get into a marriage b/c they want to avoid ever having to face that frustration again. I can't help but look at some of my AFC friends and wonder if that's what happened to them.
I think about this movie event I'm going to on Saturday with a bunch of college friends. All, but one of them is married. One is my weekend wing who actually has a ton of natural game. I just need to get him to believe and apply this fastseduction stuff and he'd be an excellent wing. The rest are AFC's (or even WBAFC's and BAFC's) who probably have been "effectively sterile" longer than me. I just wish I could open their eyes, but having been an AFC, I know they think this stuff is all junk or as TD mentions briefly in this "State Control" post, they'd get all pissy b/c it would mean admitting that they were bad with women (which TD says implies several bad characteristics). Once again, I have to be happy that I took the "red pill." (Community guys like using that Matrix quote b/c it really is a epiphany to discover the PUA world.)