Saturday, June 17, 2006

Day Game Better Than Night Game?

People in the community usual have a preference for day or night game. Mystery's method is designed specifically to get the hottest girls in the club. He says it's applicable to other venues but it's mostly for night game. Gunwitch, on the other hand, is more for day game, though he later developed a night game version through much pain and hardship. Another day game guy was Dimitri. I read his entire archive and he did only day game. The general consensus is that club game is harder, but it has several advantages over day game.

I'll start with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of day game. The advantage is that you deal with mainly lone wolves in day game. You need to apply little or no group theory. The women are less likely to have their shields up because guys are less likely to approach in day game. Also, and this goes along with group theory, you don't have to worry about a friend obstacle busting up your sarge or dealing with some AMOG. Another huge factor, especially for my current game, is that the women can actually hear you. The biggest disadvantage of day game is that there are very few sets. When I was doing my Border's to Starbuck's run a month ago, I'd find I'd be lucky to find 2-3 sets worth opening. It's better now that it's summertime as the college girls are back in town. Day game was horrible outside of lunch hours in the winter time b/c all I'd find were single mothers.

Night game is considered by many to be playing the game on level hard. The hardest place to sarge is the strip club. I don't mean going there and spending money, I mean going to the strip club and actually getting a stripper to meet you outside company time and full closing her. Right below this level is probably very loud club environments like the club I was at in Manhattan, and I'd throw in most street game. The clubs I usually go to are probably another level below this. Woman have their shields on maximum at the club. All the drunk morons suddenly get the courage they lack in day game from the alcohol. You have to deal with obstacles and AMOG's so your group sarging skills better be strong. You have loud music which drown out your words and you have a lot of party girls that seek the most exciting stimuli. You're competing with other guys, the music, the dancefloor, etc. .

I started off sarging during night game. As I same in my other blog, my first outing was for my friend Ajay's birthday. We went to Lion Head Pub/The Apartment for their Halloween party. I had a hooded reaper costume which I figured would eliminate some of the anxiety I know I'd feel. I was able to open three or four sets and I remember being shocked with my last set of the night. It was so loud that she couldn't hear me, but she tried hard to listen to me and even apologized for not being able to hear me. Back then, I thought it was remarkable that a girl at a bar would actual want to listen to me.

After that first day, all of my sarging experience was in night game. I didn't get the courage to finally start doing day game until I hooked up with my buddy in Florida in January. The hopping University of Florida in Gainesville and the nearby Starbucks was an easy place to get started with day game. When I returned to Chicago, I got afraid of day game again, but in the past few weeks I've busted it open. I now love day game. It's so much easier.

I'd say that for starting out, nothing beats club game. You have so many sets and having to deal with all the BS I mentioned above makes you improve your skill fast. For this reason, I won't give up the clubs completely, but I won't go as often as I used to. Now that my skill is better, I find day game to be much for rewarding.

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