Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Where I've been:

I've decided to start posting in this blog again. I actually like the anonymity that I had on this blog. At some point early this summer, I stopped posting here and instead started posting in my myspace blog. Then, when I hit a rough patch in my life, I stopped posting in both blogs. I feel that I would have posted more during this time if I had kept the blog here, but I was less excited about posting in myspace. My friends read that blog regularly and my identity was out in the open.

I'm going to post in both blogs again. Many of the entries will be the same as it's so easy to just cut and past entries. Sometimes I'll post additional entries here since this is less known to my friends.

Here's in my latest entry:

My life has resembled the Arizona Cardinals Season:

The mishaps of the Arizona Cardinals made for an exciting football game and it also reminded me of the lesson I've been trying to ingrain in my head. It goes back to that book I keep mentioning (the title which still eludes me). Tonight we saw the Cardinals blow another huge lead for the second week in a row. They kept finding a way to lose. In contrast, we saw the Bears find yet another way to win a game they should have lost (another one was the Vikings game).
Anyway, I've had poor inner game the past few months and a losing attitude. I've been depressed and I kept finding a way to be miserable. I've even sick with a cold again, for third time in less than two months. That's amazing considering I haven't been going out to the bars. In fact, I don't leave the house much since I work at home and this means I should get sick less often since I'm exposed to fewer germs.
Sure, things went bad in August, but I let my losing mentality keep me miserable. I failed to appreciate the positives that happened. In my last blog entry, I was beginning to see the light, but the trip to Florida turned out to be a nightmare. I figured it wouldn't be fun, but my stepfather turned out to be a bigger jerk that I anticipated he would be.
There were some real lows for me on the trip and it was so bad that I didn't even want to come on here and write about them. I probably should have because I know that writing these entries do make me feel better.
So, what's the solution? It's the same. I need to work continue to work out because that always makes me feel better. Too bad this cold is going to prevent me from doing that for a few days. The main thing, I need to do is get rid of those negative thoughts. When I'm feeling like this, I something think all the inner game stuff I read is New Age BS, but I really believe it works.
I know this for sure right now. Continuing to think negative thoughts sure doesn't lead to a winning attitude. Negative thoughts and a losing attitudes leads to more misery.
I must give myself credit today. I've been working on not indulging my negative thoughts and that the first time I've done that in a long time. The life I've been leading for the past two months is not me. Maybe it was me years ago, but I changed a lot this past year. I'm more that new person than I am this old me that I have reverted to but I don't know how many weeks or months it's going to take me to break out of this slump.

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