Monday, January 01, 2007

New Years Resolution: PUA Journey

Why I don't believe in New Years Resolutions:

Let me preface this entry by saying that I actually don't believe in New Years Resolutions. As I thought about it more, I decided that I could actually make a decent routine out of the following. I think I started disliking resolutions because I hear the sames ones every year. Tons of people say they are quicking smoking or losing weight. The gym is empty in December, and then it fill up with all the people that plan to lose weight. By February or March, almost all of these newcomers are gone, and only the regulars remain.

Setting New Years as a date to change your life isn't how you stick to a resolution. You have to fight the battle everyday. For example, I've been focused on exercising and losing weight and every day, I have to figure out what I'm eating, and force myself to follow my workout plan. The reason I'm succeeding is that I'm forcing myself to make baby steps every day.

Every day you have to wake up and tell yourself that you're going to move in the right direction once again today. You're not going to do it tomorrow. You're not going to worry if you messed things up in the distant past, or even just yesterday. If you make the right choices more often than you make the wrong choices, then you'll slowly move towards your goal and one day you'll wake up and you'll have the results you want. You'll be healthier, you'll be fit, you'll run a successful business, or you'll be a PUA.

Why am I making a New Years Resolution?:

Well, it's a only New Years Resolution because I happned to go to a New Years Eve party. If I had gone out to the bars a few days ago, or a week ago, I think I would have been have resolved to get back on the path to PUAdom.

So, I'll say with confidence that I'm back. These past few months have forced me to find myself. I've faced adversity and I've moved in the right direction in other areas in my life. Pickup is one area that I've strongly neglected, but as I've hinted in the past few blogs, I feel like my confidence has increased. I look better (updated pics will be posted soon). I feel confident in myself since I've faced some inner demons and I look forward to seeing what lies ahead.

There will be a lot of failure ahead, but those are just stepping stones on the way to success. Every one fails. You only succeed by picking yourself back up every time and continuing on the right journey. True failure is when you just give up. It's also when you reach stagnations and don't move ahead.

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