Tuesday, January 02, 2007
UFO sighted at O'hare in Nov:
The following contains no PUA related stuff.
I don't know how long that link will be active before the Chicago Tribune requires you to register before reading it. The article says that several United employees including one or more pilots saw a UFO hovering near the C termianl on November 7, 2006.
I've been watching UFO files and it's just amazing how many sighting there are out there. Many sightings have multiple seemingly credible witnesses. I also remember there was a program on one of the 3 big networks (ABC I believe) a bout UFO sightings that seemed credible and unable to be explained as being caused by natural phenomena or man made objects. There was on in South Eastern IL and one of the witnesses was/is a police officer.
Now, I realize that most people out there laugh at the notion and think wacko's believe in this stuff. I would tell those people that they need to open their mind. I recommend renting "Hyperspace" from Netflix. It is a two disc DVD series that explains some of the scientific theories of the universe. It has some good graphics to show how big the galaxy, not to mention the universe is. I remember learning in college that our galaxy has a hundred billion stars. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe. Think about how much we've advanced in say the last 50 years, in terms of technology, and just imagine how much one could advance if say they have a few million or billion year head start on us.
Another interesting quote I remember from the show was that a good way to picture how many stars there are in the universe is to imagine that each star is a grain of sand. The amount of stars in the universe would be enough sand grains to fill every beach in the world. On top of that, planets have been shown to exist around many other stars. I remember that in '96, that was a huge discovery as previously no one had ever proved other planets existed outside our solar system. I remember that scientists originally proved the existence of planets by observing the pull of these planets on the gravity of the stars that they orbit, but I believe the the Hubble Telescope has photographed some distant planets (I'm not 100% sure on the latter, so I'll have to google that sometime.)
I would say that only human ignorance, human arrogance, or religious indoctrination leads many to believe that earth is the only place in the universe where life exists. Heck, just a few weeks ago, I remember reading that there is new proof that water has existed on Mars, meaning that it's more possible that primitive life has or is as close as our nearest neighbor planet.
Later, I'll write upon some thoughts I have about what the possible or probably existence of extraterrestrial life means for us. Thinking about the possiblity makes me think about how far we have to go as a species. Of course, I mean that we are obviously far behind in technology is alien races have some way of traveling through the vastness of space. (BTW, even if light speed truly can't be broken, wormholes or warping space as supposed to be theoretically possible, so don't just dismiss the possibility outright.) I'm thinking more in terms of how primitive our species is in our social structures. I think about how we're motivated by greed, how we murder each other. How much of a better would Earth be if we focused our energy on working together. We could build better technology and solve some of the problems that face us.
I also wonder why the aliens wouldn't help us outright. Maybe they have some sort of prime directive similar to that we find in the Star Trek Universe. Maybe the aliens are curious about us but find us still too primitive to develop and outright relationship with. Maybe they are fascinated in observing a primitive society that many offers them a glimpse into their own distant past. I think what I wrote into the previous paragraph also fits here. Imagine what we'd do to each other if we had alien technology. If you gave a greedy human advanced weapons, what would be more likely to happen? Would that person work to reverse engineer the technology so we could develop useful, nondestructive technology, or would they use it to dominate the world and eliminate enemies. I bet more would do the later.