Saturday, June 17, 2006
Current mood:

I feel dumb writing this post. I opened had a great lone wolf set going at Border's. I had spotted this pale brunette when I walked in. She was sitting on a chair and reading. I violated the three second rule by not opening her right away, but that doesn't matter. The three second rule applies mostly to newbies. Newbies find that they get paralyzed when they don't approach right away. I just opened three other sets in Border's. Finally, I decided to open this girl. I was sick of "tent" so I created a new situational opener. I spotted a book about Chicago's Milennium Park. I was flipping through the pages when I spotted an aerial view of the "Faces" fountain (not the offical name, I'm sure, but anyone who knows the park knows what I'm talking about). Next to the fountain was a shiny mirrored rock. I actually haven't see that in person yet. I decided it would be fun to approach the girl with the book in hand and ask her if she knew what city the picture was from.
She knew that the picture was in Chicago. I then asked if she visited the museums often and she said she loves the Art Institute since she loves art. (In retrospect, I could have DHV by talking about my visit to the Andy Warhol exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art last month with Beata). At one point, she mentioned that it was expensive to go to the musuems since she was still a student. I mentioned the free days and then I told her about my adventures at Body Worlds. (Basically, my buddy Colorado Dave and I could get tickets on the last weekends so we snuck past some guards and I talked the guy at the exit turnstile into letting me in to "find friends.") I really reached the hook point when I talked about my favorite subject: travel.
As I describe in a blog entry, I went with Beata to an open casting call for a show that the travel Channel is developing. The story of my experience there has turned into my own routine. The show is based on the book "1000 Places to See before You Die." I talk about how I was totally calm at the casting call even though Beata was nervous. I explain how I had a calming effecto on her. I then ask the HB the main question I was asked at the casting call, "If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?" I tell them to consider their answer and then I tell them how I answered the question. I talk about my desire to visit Iran and North Korea.
The sarge went on for a good ten minutes but then Border's announced that it was closing soon. My target mentioned how it was closing soon and then called to her guy friend that was standing near. I still haven't experienced enough mixed sets so I got a little nervous. I know how to handle boyfriends, but I was sure this wasn't the boyfriend. I didn't need to speculate as I just asked what Mystery says you ask every set, "How do you two (or you all) know each other?" She explained that this was a childhood friend. I then turned to him and started talking to him. She was surprised at this and got up while I was talking to him. I won him over and could have #closed her right there.
Instead, I decided to go talk to my buddy and I told them it was a pleasure meeting them both. We ended up running into them again at the doorway. My dumb ass didn't even look at her. I knew she liked me because she held the door for her friend, my friend, and then me. My friend later told me that she didn't even look at him but was focused on looking at me. In other words, that was conclusive proof of what was already obvious: she wanted to give me a final chance to number close her.
This is a mistake I made for my first three months of sarging. I missed out on number closing a few girls that I now know would have been solid closes. I'm pretty sure I messed up a probably lay in Maui. I used to fear closing for two reasons. One reason is what Tyler Durden calls "State Control." What that means is that when a sarge goes well, you get scared to go for the close b/c you are offering yourself up for rejection and you thus risk losing the good feelings you are having. Another lesser reason is that I feared closing too early since it would probably result in a flake.
I feel really stupid about not number closing this because I haven't failed to try for a close in over two months. I've even attempted number closes when I was almost sure I'd get rejected. I think what really messed me up was that a guy was there. I played everything right and even won him over. I have little experience with mixed sets so I reverted to what was comfortable, which was not closing.
I just have to learn from this failure and make sure I don't do it again. I must remember to not be too hard on myself. I can tell I'm improving every day. I had a good set yesterday and another good one last night. Today (Sat), I'm sure I'll have yet another good set and hopefully another solid number. .
People in the community usual have a preference for day or night game. Mystery's method is designed specifically to get the hottest girls in the club. He says it's applicable to other venues but it's mostly for night game. Gunwitch, on the other hand, is more for day game, though he later developed a night game version through much pain and hardship. Another day game guy was Dimitri. I read his entire archive and he did only day game. The general consensus is that club game is harder, but it has several advantages over day game.
I'll start with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of day game. The advantage is that you deal with mainly lone wolves in day game. You need to apply little or no group theory. The women are less likely to have their shields up because guys are less likely to approach in day game. Also, and this goes along with group theory, you don't have to worry about a friend obstacle busting up your sarge or dealing with some AMOG. Another huge factor, especially for my current game, is that the women can actually hear you. The biggest disadvantage of day game is that there are very few sets. When I was doing my Border's to Starbuck's run a month ago, I'd find I'd be lucky to find 2-3 sets worth opening. It's better now that it's summertime as the college girls are back in town. Day game was horrible outside of lunch hours in the winter time b/c all I'd find were single mothers.
Night game is considered by many to be playing the game on level hard. The hardest place to sarge is the strip club. I don't mean going there and spending money, I mean going to the strip club and actually getting a stripper to meet you outside company time and full closing her. Right below this level is probably very loud club environments like the club I was at in Manhattan, and I'd throw in most street game. The clubs I usually go to are probably another level below this. Woman have their shields on maximum at the club. All the drunk morons suddenly get the courage they lack in day game from the alcohol. You have to deal with obstacles and AMOG's so your group sarging skills better be strong. You have loud music which drown out your words and you have a lot of party girls that seek the most exciting stimuli. You're competing with other guys, the music, the dancefloor, etc. .
I started off sarging during night game. As I same in my other blog, my first outing was for my friend Ajay's birthday. We went to Lion Head Pub/The Apartment for their Halloween party. I had a hooded reaper costume which I figured would eliminate some of the anxiety I know I'd feel. I was able to open three or four sets and I remember being shocked with my last set of the night. It was so loud that she couldn't hear me, but she tried hard to listen to me and even apologized for not being able to hear me. Back then, I thought it was remarkable that a girl at a bar would actual want to listen to me.
After that first day, all of my sarging experience was in night game. I didn't get the courage to finally start doing day game until I hooked up with my buddy in Florida in January. The hopping University of Florida in Gainesville and the nearby Starbucks was an easy place to get started with day game. When I returned to Chicago, I got afraid of day game again, but in the past few weeks I've busted it open. I now love day game. It's so much easier.
I'd say that for starting out, nothing beats club game. You have so many sets and having to deal with all the BS I mentioned above makes you improve your skill fast. For this reason, I won't give up the clubs completely, but I won't go as often as I used to. Now that my skill is better, I find day game to be much for rewarding.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Acting like an AFC:
Sometimes, in frustration, we all slip. I met this cool girl online (yes, I know...). Community guys would say I've had one-itis with her for awhile. I felt there was something special about her: her outlook on life and the way she felt about certain things. I really wanted to meet her and two times I thought it was going to happen. I've always realized that I only know her online persona, but I figured if I was so draw to that persona, then maybe I find that there would also be a spark when we met in person. For whatever reason, she flaked those two times. Like an AFC, I kept hinting at future meetings even though I should have realized that it wasn't going to happen. Finally, yesterday, I just decided to ask firmly if we were ever going to meet or not. Like an AFC, I basically told her what I've written here. Not surprising, I got no response, but that made me feel way better. I know felt like I had a final answer. She doesn't want to meet, so I can finally just focus on my mains goals.
More setbacks:
I did my usual routine. I went to Dick's Sporting Goods and punched the heavy bags for fun. I then went to Starbuck's but didn't see any sets inside. I guess summertime is a slow time for that Starbuck's. In the spring and winter time, I'd always find at least one set there. As I was ready to walk out, I saw two, two-sets outside. On left by the time I got done putting splenda in my Unsweetened Passion Iced Tea. I decided to open this other set. The brunette was on the phone, so I ran the tent opener on the blonde friend. When I finished it, she gave me this look indicating that she thought I was weird. The friend had finished the conversation as I was ended the opener. She gave me an annoyed look too. The blonde didn't say anything, and then five seconds later, the brunette looks at her friend and says, "Let's go." Kaboom!
Most guys would have said something rude there, but I just said, "Well, [to the question, would you date a guy that lives in a tent] I guess your answer is no. Please meeting both of you." Getting ignored sucks. Afterwards, I debated whether getting ignored was worse than getting completely hostile respond (e.g. Fuck off). It's a close call. I think getting ignored might be worse because in that case, the set acts like you don't even exist.
I ran the opener like I always do. There was something with these girls. There were attractive, but I'm not as impressed anymore for two reasons. First, I open so many sets that I really am not intimidated by looks. Second, I was just in NYC and I saw and talk to hotter girls. Since I've been back, I still haven't seen any girls that were of the same caliber as those Manhattan girls I saw last week .
Instead of doing my eject, I should have gone the extra 20% (as Mystery says). I now realize what the correct move would have been. When I got ingored, I should have dropped the neg, "Wow, you two don't get out much. When someone asks you a question, it's polite to give them some sort of answer." The chances are slim that this could turn them around, but it would have been a good response. The only other thing I could have done differently was to drop a neg. Even though I wasn't intimidated by their looks, they probably did have the hot girl shield as they were good looking for the Chicago suburb area.
Number close:
I go through all the pain of above, but it all turns around in less than 10 minutes after the big bust out. When I get a really negative response, I feel the need to sarge another set. I guess part of me wants to show that set that they weren't anything special. They think that I opened them b/c I was more interested in them than any of the other sets around. I show them by opening another set immediately that sets are interchangable for me. Also, I just feel better going directly into a new set b/c I show myself that rejection doesn't matter. I open some blonde girl with some lame question. I ask when the stuff is closing and what bars she recommends.
I call my buddy immediately after all this and I get some relief from that as well. While I was one the phone, I spotted a lone wolf who was reading a book. I made a mental note that I wanted to open her when I got off the phone. I got of the phone and walked by towards my car, which lead me past her. I walked up to her, and ran my opener. I had the right body language and everything. The conversation flowed smoothly into other topics. I found out she likes travel and I ended up talking about my various adventures to Singapore and Amsterdam. I talked about why I want to visit Iran and North Korea.
Notable points in the sarge:
-This was the first sarge where Mystery's multiple thread theory actually happened. The conversation was so interesting that I naturally branched off into several topic threads before I could complete an existing thread. Mystery says that creates the illusion of you actually knowing the person b/c you usually only have conversation with multiple thread with people you already know.
-When running a sarge, you start to appear to be of lower value if you continue to stand while the target(s) is sitting. I knew I had to sit down so as I was talking, I started to sit down. The only thing I didn't like is that I asked her if it was all right to sit down. She said it was, but I should have just sat down as I was talking and not ask permission. It would be more alpha (and thus be a better sarge) if I just sat down more naturally.
-I thought I was busted out (and I maybe well have been if I don't get a day2 out of this, but that remains to be seen) when she said, at one point, "I don't want to be rude, but I really did come her to read this book and I'd like to get some reading done." I felt that things were going well up to this point, so I just went into a number close . I have some good number closes memorized, but I just blurted out, "Okay, cool. I actually have to meet up with a friend (true). We should up again and have coffee or something."
HB: I have boyfriend. (Girls say this stuff a lot. If they drop it early, it means you are showing too much interest, or the girl assumes you're hitting on her. When I first started out, I used to get this a lot, but it's no coincidence that as I've gotten better, I get it less. I also blow the comment right out of the water with a witty comeback, "Wow, I just met you and you're already telling me your problems," or I ignore her as if she'd said, "My favorite color is blue." In the closing stage, a girl might tell you she has a boyfriend b/c she's letting you know that she's not available for a traditional dating relationship. She also might be blowing you off. It depends. This is just text book pickup knowledge)
Me: (Using my usual response to this line at the closing stage. I got it from Is he not open to you meeting new people. (Another good line might be, "Cool, is he coming along?")
HB: Actually, we're fighting right now.
Me: Ah. Let's just hang out and meet for coffee. We've had a very interesting conversation and I like to her about the rest of your travels. Besides, I'm not really looking for anyone right now anyway.
HB: I haven't really travelled anywhere else (she's qualifying herself) Oh. You just want to hang out...Okay.
I ask her for her name and phone number. As we're getting that done, she asks me about my job. I was so used to breaking rapport with the cigarette light repair man line that I almost did it here. I fumbled, which was bad, but I ended up saying, "Would you believe me if you said I'm cigarette light repair me?"
HB: Are you?
Me: Naw. I just joke around and tell people that, and some people believe it. They say, "Wow, really? I've never heard of that." Actually, my real job sounds unbelievable too. I play poker for a living.
HB: (typical response) I hear a lot of people are doing that now. Do you really make money doing that?
Me: Yeah, I've been doing it for awhile now. Way before this Travel Channel, World Poker Tour stuff.
(I ask her what hours she works so I get an idea of when we might be able to have a Day2 and she tells me she's a teacher, so she's off for the summer.)
I close the set by shaking her hand. Of course, I hold it a little longer that most people would, and I of course maintain strong eye contact.
This woman really is interesting. It's been awhile since I've actually felt interested in a sarge. A lot of times, I'm just blurting out game and I find that I'm not really interested in the person or the conversation. (Still, the community says to keep plodding along for practice). I'm hoping that she will show up for a Day2, of course. I'll probably call tomorrow. I'm busy this weekend anyway, but I need to try to set up a Day2 for next week, before I go out of town. If I get her voice mail (which is probable), I'll tell her I'll call her on Sunday.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
My trip to NYC has been mostly filled with family reunion type stuff, but I finally got a chance to check out the Manhattan club scene last night at Quo. My cousin is friends with one of the owners so I got the VIP treatment. I just got done reading a few reviews of the place. From what I've read, I would have had a horrible experience if I didn't go with my cousin. The reviews say that place charges a $25-30 cover charge, makes you wait in a long line, and will turn you away if you have a big group of guys with no girls. Thanks to my cousin, though, I got a whole different experience. I had trouble finding parking and I didn't feel let getting ripped off for $25 parking near the club so my cousin ended up getting to the club before me. When I finally got parking and walked to the club, I called him up and he came outside to meet me. My cousin pointed me out to the bouncers and I skipped the whole line. I got stopped by the inner door man, but one of the outside bouncers immediately came in to tell them to let me in.
My immediate impression of the place was that the music was extremely loud. The reviews I've read echo that observation. I knew I was going to have a problem sarging as only do well when girls can hear me: that's why I love Alumni Club in Schaumburg back home. I went up to the little VIP area with my cousin and saw a few of his friends that I had met earlier in the week. One of the friends had brought two girls so I immediately attempted to run game on them. Both girls were originally from Colorado. The first one I talked to had moved to Staten Island a year ago. I ran some game on her but I didn't feel like we were clicking to I moved on to the other girl. At first, she seemed into the conversation but then she said she had to go get a drink. I figured I was busted out as I saw her go to her friend and start talking. She didn't bother to get a drink. (Monday morning observation: After talking about this with Seamas last night, I think I know what I did wrong. She only decided to "go get a drink" after I busted on her hard for telling me her number after the 2nd ESP test. I need to be careful with throwing out too many negs in a row.)
I Get Approached:
After I talked to the Colorado gals, I walked around the club. Honestly, I didn't open as much as I normally would b/c the club was basically one big dance area outside of the VIP areas. The music was so loud so I knew I couldn't open larger sets as a girl standing next to me could barely hear me. Still, I opened a few others in the VIP area and as I walked around, I made my usual comments (e.g. "Did he call yet?" "That's a huge purse, do you have a dog in there or something?") I even tried opening some tall blonde by asking her if she was from Minnesota. That didn't go to well.
Just after I entered the VIP area again after one of my rounds, this cute blonde opens me. She says, "Hi," starts touching my shoulder and then introduces herself to me. She says lame AFC type stuff like, "Wow, you're in the VIP area. You must know all these people." In the old days, I would have thought she was just randomly being nice to me, but nowadays, I understand that it so rare for girls to open guys, especially in clubs. When it happens, it means the girl is attracted to you and you can run game differently. I failed to do anything with this set b/c my club game is still lacking. I ran some game on her initially, but I needed to quickly escalate the kino since we were in this insanely loud club environment. When the conversation stalled, I talked to the girl's friend briefly and then I went to talk to my cousin. I figured I could open this girl later.
That was dumb thinking. I couldn't find them in the crowd later, and even if I would have found them, I probably would have discovered that my window had closed. In a loud club environment, your window of opportunity is very small, especially when dealing with party girls. They are constantly looking for more excitement. For that second, she felt I was exciting, but that can change in seconds. A girl can decide that the dance floor is more exciting, or another guy is, or whatever.
2nd Missed Opportunity:
Later, I was doing my usual rounds through the dance floor. Suddenly, I made eye contact with this brunette. I made eye contact with several women throughout the night, but this was different. Neither of us looked away and I started to feel that butterfly feeling in my stomach. I knew that she could also feel the energy flowing between us as her body language immediately changed. Her posture relaxed, including her jaw, which opened slightly. I feel so stupid when I think back on this moment. It really was amazing as all the noise and craziness of the dance floor disappeared for those few seconds and we were totally focused on each other. Now, did I stop and do something about it? Unfortunately, no. If we had been at a coffee shop, I instinctively would have opened her. In this club, I knew she wouldn't be able to hear me so I didn't say anything. I also was at a loss at what to do at that moment as it happened when I least expected something to happen. I also stupidly figured that I'd find her again later.
A few minutes after that moment, I recognized my mistake and I know I'll get it right when a similar situation happens again. Sure, I couldn't have started talking to her like I could in day game, but I could have went up and started immediate kino. That's what the "naturals" do so well. They don't need to think about their move, they just instinctively start with kino when appropriate. What I should have down, then, was walked up as we were having our moment and began with some kino. I could have said, "Hi" in her ear, and then I should have tried to isolate her off the dance floor as quickly as possible. I'm sure I would have earned points if I brought her to the VIP are and introduced her to my cousin and his entourage. Oh well, at least I'm prepared for next time. :)
Thursday, June 08, 2006
I originally posted this on my myspace account. I'm not sure if I'm ready to link my myspace blog to this blog. I'm sure someone who's resourceful could easily make the link, but why make it easier for people? I link several messages boards to this blog, but none to my myspace account. I'm less anxious about linking this to my myspace account than the reverse. The people who go to my myspace account actually know me, and many don't know about this PUA aspect of my life. That changed today. I changed my profile to describe me as an "Aspiring PUA." I posted the message below to explain the goals of my PUA journey. As I say in the entry, when I've reach the final stage, I'll freely link both blogs together. In the meantime, I'm just going to cross-post select entries. The myspace people don't need to know all the details that I've posted thus far.
Myspace post:
Okay, I've taken the next step. I have enough confidence now that I'm not going to hide from who I am. Part of me is an aspiring Pick-up Artist and there's no reason to hide that fact. As I said in my mission statement, I have another blog that describes my PUA journey. At the final stage in my development, I'll link that blog to this page. I'm not ready for that yet. In the meantime, I'll cross post certain entries that I think are appropriate for this blog.
In one of his DVD's, Mystery says something like the following at the start of his seminar:
Nature will unapologetically weed your genes out of existence if you cannot develop the skill set to attract a beautiful women.
I will now expand upon this to define what are my actual goals in this journey. Being a man, I of course want to be with a beautiful woman. As I've travelled on this journey, I've discovered that becoming a PUA is more than that, at least for me. After meeting hundreds of "party girls" I understand that beauty is common. I see beautiful girls everyday in the Chicago suburbs, and I bet I'll see an insane amount when I go to a Manhattan club this Friday. I've also heard from the Community that LA is filled with beautiful women. I get bored with this party girls. A truly beautiful woman is not just good-looking, but also has a personality that is compatible with mine. She's also intelligent and knows what she wants out of life. That's the first goal of this journey then: finding beautiful woman who is your ideal woman/soulmate.
Along the way, you learn to be a fun, outgoing party guy in general. I developed this skill by going to the bar by myself. That's the best way to improve your social skills. When you go with friends, it's easy to just hang with them and not talk to anyone. When you go by yourself, you're forced to talk to people or you look like an idiot standing there by yourself. I had a great experience the first time I did this at Alunni Club back in November. In Allentown, this past weekend, I realized how much I had improved. As soon as I walked into the hotel bar, I opened guys and girls and I clicked with them right away. The community would describe this skill as being part of "outer game."
I've also developed my "inner game" during this journey. I would define inner game as self-esteem and self-confidence. I used to have very low self-esteem. High school set me back in that department too. I started to improve when I got into college but I never truly found confidence in myself until I started this journey. Talking to hundreds of women has almost eliminated the anxiety I used to feel when talking to women. Women used to seem like an alien species to me, but not any more. I'm also more comfortable among guys. I no longer wonder what people think of me. I know now that I'm the best judge of myself. I don't care what random people think of me. You give strangers too much credit when you allow the opinion that they formed of you (in just a few seconds) to influence how you feel about yourself.
I'll expand upon the rest of my goals later, but I'd like to close by saying that this journey has helped me understand social interactions and other people. In the clubs, I understand the social dynamics so much better. For example, I can look around a club and explain many of the things that are happening. I can point out girl eye-coding. I can tell when some lame guy is about to be busted out by a girl. I can tell what guys are doing right and what they are doing wrong. When I'm in a set, I can tell when I've reached the hooking point (the community uses this term to refer to when you've reached the point where the set wants you to stay), and I can tell when I'm not paying enough attention to the other girl(s) in the set, and they are about to bust me out by saying "Let's Dance," or "Let's go to the bathroom." What I mean about understanding people is that I empathise with people much better. When someone is annoying or rude, I usually can develop a short explanation in my head of why that's happening. In other words, I don't let it bother me. In my low self-esteem past, I would have assumed something was wrong with me, but now I understand that it often has nothing to do with me. The person might be having a bad day or might have his own self-esteem problems.
Monday, June 05, 2006
I can't believe it's almost been a month since I last posted. I'm currently at my cousin's house in Staten Island, NY. We're having a family reunion here in NY, so he's letting me crash at his place. Prior to this, my sarging has been on hold b/c I've been working hard. I've been putting in like 50-60 hour weeks b/c I knew I was going to be off for 10-12 days for this trip. In some ways, though, I was making huge progress in my game. I've known for the past few months that my "Inner Game" has been lacking and I think that focusing on work has helped me feel better about myself. Also, the fact that I'm starting to see results from my workout program is helping out my confidence big time.
Allentown, PA and Noted Improvement
This past weekend, I was in Allentown for my other cousin's ordination. I got a hotel off of Priceline and was surprised to find that the bar attached to the hotel was hopping Friday night. I went in solo as my cousins were still enroute to the hotel from NY. I was afraid that my game would be lacking since I hadn't been out to the bar in weeks. A few times, I had hit a local Starbucks and ran a few sets. One set was last Tuesday. I saw this hot blonde business woman sitting by herself. I was with Sidegames and I felt nervous about approaching her so I didn't. Later, I made up for it by running the tent opener on her when I got my passion iced tea refill. I felt that my body language was good but I felt a little nervous at the time. I also ejected right away, but I felt good for making the approach.
Fast forward to last Friday. I immediately opened sets as I walked in. I opened a black guy who was watching the NBA highlights and got the rundown from him. I also opened a few girl sets and I felt that I was vibing better than expected. The most interesting set as this lone wolf. I think I could have possible hooked up with her. While I was halfway through my sarge, my cousins called me up so I had to meet up with them. I ended up number closing this girl but we never got a chance to meet up. One interesting thing of note here was when I noticed I had reach the "hooking point." The girl was just answering my questions, etc, until I ran "The Cube." After my reading, I noticed her eyes light up and she opened her body posture more to me. I got proof that my read was right when I was in the process of calling up my cousins. She saw me on the way to the bathroom and she called me by name. I explained that I had to go meet up with my cousins and she asked me to come back to the bar with them. Obviously, she wanted me to stay, which is the definition of having reach the "hooking point."
HB reopens me in front of dude:
At one point during the sarge with the girl above, she had to go to the restroom. Rather than sitting there waiting for her, I opened this two set that was nearby. I just said, "Hi" and explained that I was visiting from Chicago. I asked about the local club scene. She told me about some Banana Joe's place (I can't remember the exact place.) She emphasized how great the place was on Saturdays. Later, when I return to the bar with my cousin, she suddenly stops me as I walking by. She touched my shoulder and said, "Hey, are you coming out to Banana Joe's tomorrow? It's a great place and the hotel can give you directions there." Her face was all lit up as she ask me this, and the AMOG had this "WTF?" look on his face. I chatted with him as well just to show that I'm friendly to everyone. If I had had more time, I probably would have checked out the bar. If the dude wasn't there the next night, that might have been a possible hookup.
Hawaiian cousin and I talk game:
One of my cousins now lives in Hawaii with his fiance. He's been out of the game for like 10 years now, but I can tell that he had game prior to settling down. His fiance is very pretty and you can tell she was really a hottie back when they met 10 years ago. My cuz, his fiance, and I were sitting in the hotel bar on Saturday. My cuz and I saw a hot two-set walk in. He made facial motions for me to check them out (subtly, of course). I opened them briefly. I felt like I was doing okay, but they had told me they were meeting boyfriends later. I ejected b/c I believed them, plus I wanted to talk with my cousin. A few minutes later, the AFC boyfriends did show up. The blonde and her dude seemed to be close as they were very physical with each other, but the brunette (who was hotter) seemed to genuinely have a "borefriend." My cousin noticed over the next few minutes that the brunette kept looking over at me. I said that I generally never notice that stuff (I should be looking for it as the community says it's way easier to pop open sets that keep looking at you.) I also said that my whole life I've always never believed that girls were looking at me. (Here's the core inner game problem). He said that the girl was definitely looking at once of us and I was the one who went up, so it was likely me. I think I've reach the point where I finally believe that I can be desirable. That was a great feeling.
HBolder woman warm call:
My cousin (the one whose house I'm staying in) has a finance too. She brought a friend of her to Allentown for the ordination. As she was the only single girl around, I naturally ran game with her. Saturday, she came to the hotel bar to hang. After awhile, I began to increase the kino and then I did a style kiss close. I ask her how good of a kisser she was. Then I ran Style's routine, "I don't really believe there's a such thing as a good kisser, it's all about the connection two people have...etc." Then I did Mystery's, "Would you like to kiss me?" She just sat there, so of course, I said, "Let's find out." We kissed and she kept wanting more but I pulled back. I told her to not get greedy. Part of the reason was I wanted to show I was in control, but I also didn't want things to get crazy in front of my family and her best friend. I tried to get her to "go for a walk" but she wouldn't leave the bar. Later, she got all messed up and we had to drag her back to her room.
I felt great that I had kiss closed her, but after she got really drunk, I wondered whether she had just kissed me b/c she was drunk and I wondered if she'd have buyer's remorse. The next day, I didn't get to spend much time with her b/c she was seated at a far away table at the reception. I also felt awkward. She and my cousins fiance left the reception early b/c she had to go to work then next day. As they were getting ready to leave I mentioned seeing each other again. She was open to the idea and told me to contact her through her friend. I just asked her for her cell phone number and got it. A few minutes later, when they were ready to walk out the door, she came to say goodbye. We went for a hug but ended up kissing briefly, so maybe it wasn't only the alcohol talking.
I think she's single. At the very least, I learned through our conversations that she lives alone with her cats. She older than me so I don't know what she's looking for. I've heard that older women have less LMR and generally are cool about hooking up. She should be attracted physically to me as I'm a good looking young guy :) I'll try calling her today and try to set up some plans and hopefully I can go meet her cats ;)
NYC sarging plans:
I've got a great hookup Friday night. My cousin from Hawaii has a friend that owns several clubs. He's having a big gettogether at the club. I asked my cousin's finance if she had some single female friend's on the guest list and she said yes. This should be a warm call approach. Even if I can't hook up with the friends, and I use them as social proof to sarge other girls in the bars.
Funny situation:
So, I'm sarging the older HB from the ordination. She my one cousin's fiance's friend. Well, this fiance also has three sons. One of them is staying at this house. He's a few years younger with me. He and I talked at the reception and he said he'd take me out to the clubs. It's funny that I'm sarging one of his mom's friends, and I'm also going to go out with him and sarge younger girls. Should be fun.