Sunday, April 30, 2006
Beata asked me to go to this open casting call for a new Travel Channel show based on the book, "1001 Places to See Before You Die." The show is casting for a couple to travel around the world for four months straight to film the show. I was surprised that I was not nervous at all. Beata, on the other hand, said she was really nervous. I knew going in that the chances of actually getting picked were small, so why sweat it? I figured we'd just give it our best shot and hope we get lucky. Being nervous only hurts your chances, so why do it? Of course, such rationalizations wouldn't have calmed me in the past, but my recent transformations made this so much easier. As I've said in previous blogs, I'll detail these "recent transformations" at a future date. I'm just not ready to link my other blog to my myspace account

Sarging Lessons:
I've been great about not avoiding approaches but I learned that I still do have an approach anxiety sticking point. I fear no lone wolves and I'm comfortable with two sets (well, I can run them but everyone in the community says you need a quality wing to close them properly). I went to Alumni Club tonight and I was apprehensive about approaching the big sets (4 sets and larger). I just don't feel that my game is there yet, but next time I go to the bar, I just have to try to open them. Facing the difficult situation is the only way to get better at it. The community says that if you're working without a wing, you either need to open lone wolves, or the large sets. Two sets are the worst for when you're working solo.
Interesting two-set experience:
I got the two set lesson reinforced today, though I think I was just a few mistakes short of running this set well. I opened a two set. One was a blonde HB6.5, and the other was a brunette HB8. (I don't usually care too much about the ratings as it's all relevant, aside from ridiculously hot girls of course, but the point is that the brunette was significantly better looking than the blonde). For the first three minutes, I ran the set well and I had both girls interested in the conversation. The brunette was having a problem hearing me so I just engaged the blonde. The brunette sat there bored and let me talk to her friend until a song came up and she pulled one of these "Let's go dance moves." I knew I had messed up b/c I saw her getting bored and didn't do anything about it. In the future, I know I need to show her some attention when I notice her getting bored, or I need to use a "lock-in prop" as Mystery suggests.
I was getting IOI's from the blonde. About a minute before the brunette CB'ed me, the blonde had asked my name. I know when this is an IOI (one factor is if it comes later in the set. If a girl asks you your name at the beginning, she's likely just being polite). The blonde also engaged me when I let the set stall, which is another IOI. The eye contact was good too.
On a sidenote, I saw some AFC's looking at the brunette was I was engaging the blonde. I knew what he was thinking. He saw that he had an opportunity to open her, but he couldn't get enough stones to do so. I tried to help him by talking to him after they left me, but he was embarrassed and didn't want to talk to me.
Interestingly enough, I get an opportunity to open this set again. I see some AFC talking to them when I walk around the bar a few minutes later. I know he's not with them as I just talked to them. I didn't want to show too much interest by opening them immediately, so I got a Diet Coke and came back. The AFC was talking to the blonde so I talked to the brunette. I find out she's a nurse, which is weird since my mom's a nurse. This girl worked in ICU and it's just weird for me to picture her working. I was so used to meeting my mom's nurse friends when I was younger, and they were always older than me. This brunette was younger than me and this is like the first nurse I've met that's been younger than me. It kind of makes me feel old, but not really as I'm not too old to sarge her. We talk about the casting call and talk about travel. I know I'm doing fine with my sarge as she's facing me. She's filling in the gaps in the conversation, and she's positioned herself close to me so we could hear each other through the noise.
Suddenly, I the blonde grabs the brunette's hand. I look over and can tell that the AFC busted himself out. I was doing well with the brunette. I knew the brunette didn't eye code the blonde to bust me out as the brunette was maintaining eye contact. I also saw that the blonde had this "help me" look. The AFC was either really boring or was creeping her out. The brunette reluctantly had to go with her friend to "get a drink" but I could tell she was sad to leave me. She was slow to move with her friend. I just said, "I know what's going on." If I remember correctly (I sometimes still have a hard time believing that I'm not an AFC so I wonder if I actually heard this), but I believe she made a comment suggesting that I find them later.
Just as this happened, I was mad at the AFC for having no game and losing his target. Now that I've had some time to think about it, I recognized that I could have used his crash and burn to demonstrate my value. When I saw her giving that help me look, I should have whispered to the brunette, "Hey, I see that guy's creeping out your friend. I'll get rid of him." Then I could have talk to the blonde, who already knew I was cool, and reassure her that I was getting rid of the guy. Now, I could have run some magic trick and closed the guy out with body language. I think the best move would have been to put my arms around both the girls, and position my back to the AFC. He'd have to give up with that move as it would be so deflating to him. Then, the girls would have really been into me, because I would have shown an understanding of girl code and social dynamics, and I would have saved the blonde from a lame ass AFC.
Another move would have been to find them again. Instead of doing this, I talked to Seamas on the phone for like fifteen minutes and I couldn't find the girls after I was done. Both girls had given me IOI's, so I could have tried to number close them both. I don't know if I could have picked them up, but at the very least, I could have told them that I wanted to make them "friends." If I couldn't run standard game, I could have at least used them as pivots.
Other sarges:
I sarged a few other sets today. In the past, I would have felt a need to write out a detailed report of each for myself, but now I'm opening so many sets that I don't think it's necessary. I opened two older Polish girls who ended up telling me that their husbands were sitting on chairs near me. I looked over and saw them looking at me. I liked to show that I'm just a fun outgoing party guy, so I walked over and started talking to them. I DHVed to the guy by greeting him in Polish. I found out he didn't like the music here. I dropped the names of two Polish clubs, Accent Cafe and Udinca (no idea how it's spelled but that's how it sounds). I chatted with the guy for a bit and then shook his hand and left.
The only other set that really sticks out was a redhead at Barnes and Noble's. I had a hard time find a set in there. I saw a bunch of Arab women. I have nothing against them, but when they are wearing the hijab, I figure my chances a slim, plus these girls weren't that good looking. I came upon a redhead organizing the shelves in the romance novel section, of all places. I did the usual "female opinion tent opener" and she surprised me by saying that she'd consider dating a guy in a tent. That always feels like a curve ball as I'd say <3% style="font-weight: bold;">Summary of lessons:
-I need to keep going to the clubs, as I noticed my club wasn't as good since I hadn't gone to the club in almost two weeks. I took longer to warm up tonight. I don't like the club as much, but I have to remember what TD said. He said going the club will improve your game way faster than day game. I'll make sure I go to the club at least twice a week.
-I need to open the larger sets so I don't suffer the two-set problem. I don't need to entertain the whole set for a long period of time. I just need to establish some value with some of the set, and then I can try to isolate my target. That's the standard game plan for running solo at the club, and I need to work on that.
-I need to try to through in more attraction material instead of jumping straight into comfort.
-I need to have confidence in my sarges. I messed up the B&N set by dropping an AFC line that showed insecurity. If I would have been cool, I could have run some more material and possibly closed that girl.
-I'm making great progress. Now that I'm having minimal approach anxiety, I'm getting more practice. From each sarge, I'm learning small things that I'm doing wrong. As I internalize more of these things, my game improves. Seamas's current problems with approach anxiety also helps reinforce how much I set myself back when I don't approach. He keep making rationalizations for not getting past the anxiety. For example, he says that he doesn't have a solid plan for attraction material. I told him that he need to just start opening. Even if he runs shit game, he'll learn just by making approaches. By making more approaches, he'll get more comfortable being in set, and he can slowly add more material. By not sarging at all, he's just increasing the amount of time it'll take for him to become a PUA or even an RAFC.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
I'm going to read up on attraction material. I've noticed that in many sarges lately, I've been asking too many questions. This is true in bowling, the Saturday Atlanta HB sarge, and the Starbucks Music Teacher. Off the top of my head, I realize that I need to tell more stories. I believe it's the Mystery guide that says that you often have to do much of the talking ,especially early on. You do this by telling stories that telegraph certain things: preselection by hot girls and other DHV's. While it's lame and sounds like bragging if you say stuff directly, when you imply them or bring them up in stories, it doesn't come across as bragging. I need to tell more DHV stories, and in day game, I can throw in more patterns. I just have to stop using too many questions to get to my material. I'm going to read the Players Guide and Bristol Lair again with an eye for more attraction material.
As for the jumpy girl, I just thought about that girl at Starbuck's. I obviously calibrated wrong several times in the interaction. First, when I sat down, she kind of jumped. I needed to stand for a little bit longer and then sit as she got more comfortable. I sat down while I was finishing a sentence and she flinched. That was obviously bad calibration.
I've been learning a ton lately, and I haven't even opened that many sets due to the nature of day game. There just aren't that many sets around. I think I need to do a quick 1 hour tour of the bookstore and Starbucks and then focus on working. I need to go the clubs several times a week, even though I tire of them. A post on TD's archives really stressed that point. Besides the obvious of there being tons of sets in night game, everything is more exaggerated in night game. Girls have stronger bitch shields. You really have to run strong game to keep ADD party girl's attention. If you can run strong attraction material that keeps girls interested in that type of atmosphere, day game is going to be a breeze.
I went out bowling to celebrate a college friend's 30th birthday. It was all guys, except for this one guy's girlfriend Tina, and this other girl. I had actually met this girl previously. She was the ex-wife of I guy I've hung out with before. My buddy said that she has a boyfriend but he made it sound like they were on and off. I decided I'd sarge her. I thought I was doing pretty well. At one point, we were having such a good conversation that we lost track of what was going on in the game. The other people had to keep reminding us that it was our turn to bowl. Sometime amazing happened that game too. I bowled a "4" in the first frame and then had an open frame the second game. Tina and I decided to bet a drink on the game and I just went into the zone. I ended up bowling 7 strikes in a row (frame 3-9 were all strikes). I messed up in the 10th frame and bowled an "8" but then I made a spare and followed up with a strike. I ended up with a 221 game which is my highest ever. Part of the reason I got in the zone was the bet, but it was also the conversation. I'd just go up, bowl a strike, and then the other chick and I would continue our conversation.
I was going to close the girl but she started mentioning a husband. If she was telling me the truth, then she married the boyfriend. I called my buddy afterwards, but he was having car problems so didn't stay on the phone long. He said that he didn't know she was married, but for all he knows, she could be as he doesn't talk to her that often. I probably should have tried a number close anyway, but I don't think it was happening. As the night ended, I was waiting for my score to print out. She was standing there and I said, "Hey, I want to read some of your stories." She had mentioned that I should read some of her writing (apparently she's pretty good as she's been published in six time in literary magazines). She said that I could pick up the magazine or I could find them online. I then asked for her e-mail and she didn't seem too into giving it to me so maybe she was married. I didn't see a ring, though, so I don't know if I fucked up the sarge or if she really was married.
It's stupid to dwell on such things, but I can't help but wonder if I'm somehow telegraphing too much interest. If she's not married that something's seriously fucked up in my game. I also had that girl earlier this week tell me she's engaged, but that seem sketchy too. The only thing I've did with both sets is maintain strong eye contact.
Dick's Sporting goods:
Before I went bowling, I hit the Streets of Woodfield again. I went into Dick's Sporting goods and ended up chatting with this guy. He wanted to hang out. I'm hoping I can turn him into a wing. He doesn't know about any of this stuff, but maybe I can turn him onto it. While I was talking to him, I spotted a cute blonde in a section near us. I excused myself from him and went to sarge that set. I quickly found out it was a two set. I ran the tent on them, but as soon as they answered ,they started walking away. I should have ran my follow up questions immediatly so they didn't have a moment to decide to walk away.
Starbucks teacher:
On the way to Dick's I had spotted a cute blonde in Starbuck's. I decided to go back to see if she was still there. She was still sitting alone and I actually saw an AFC near here looking at her. I know he wanted to talk to her. I think she saw me checking her out which probably made my indirect opener seem incongruent. I ordered my drink and then walked towards here. I knew it was going to look obvious that I was going to talk to her, but I didn't let that stop me. The problem was that all the tables near here were taken, and the only empty seats were next to some old guy or at her table. As I walked by, I used the tent opener on her. I added a new line into my opener. Just after she said no to the tent guy, I asked her if she'd date something that lived in a multi-million dollar house. I didn't even let her respond as I immediately followed with, "I know the answer, yes." Then I went to explain the tent story. She said she'd already "been there and done that," meaning she's already tried dating an AFC that lived in a huge house.
I found out she's a music teacher. At the beginning, she gave me her full attention, but then she started to grade her papers again. I took that as a huge IOD, but I thought of Gunwitch. In his e-book, Gunwitch says that if a girl starts looking at her watch, "You keep talking." He says you never eject unless she walks away or tells you to go away. I decided to keep plowing. I remember she apologized for grading the papers while talking to me, but I just felt like I wasn't getting anywhere. I was also getting late for the birthday party so I ejected.
I'll say that I am a TON less nervous around girls than I was before all this. I chatted and joked around with this guy's girlfriend while bowling. Previously, I would have been terrified of even talking to her, even though she was taken. I asked her about her single friends, but I didn't get to press that angle b/c I ended up focusing my attention on the writer chick. Regardless of the ultimate failure of the writerHB sarge, I know I have some decent material. We did have a deep conversation at points, and I think I did up her buying temperature when I ran my altered time pattern.
I shouldn't worry if my game is totally fucked up and that's why the chick might have been pretending to be married. Maybe I'm just imagining things and my buddy just didn't know she was married. Still, why didn't she have a ring? I've heard that some women don't wear rings, but still... I suppose, if I'm going to be crazy like this, I might as well mention the more favorable interpretation. She definately had the boyfriend and she talked to him. I saw her on the phone and she was speaking Spanish so it must have been him as he speaks no English. If the guy isn't her husband and is just her serious boyfriend, an alternate interpretation is that I was raising her buying temperature and she felt guilty for letting that happen. She figured she'd blow me out by telling me she's married. Oh well, I don't know and I'll still keep sarging regardless.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I met my buddy and saw the movie, Thanks for Smoking this evening. Afterwards, I dragged him to the Border's so I could try to sarge some sets. After he left, I went downstairs and saw these two girls as I walked. I made eye contact with the prettier one. (I don't remember if she smiled or not, but she didn't look away right away so I figured it was on.) I was a little nervous about opening a two-set in day game but I was ready to do it. I go pretend to look at some books in the corner and the cutie walks by. I say, "Hi" to her. She looks back and then says, "Two books. X bible and Y book." I was thinking, WTF, so I said what immediately came to my head, "Do I look like I work here?!" She then got all flustered and started walking away. As she did this, she said, "Oh, I guess you were just saying, 'Hi.' That was nice of you." I should have approached them again but I felt weird and ended up looking for others sets (there were none in the store).
Two things come to mind when I analyze this. First, she probably knew I didn't work there. It's obvious who the employees are b/c they were the same outfits, and they have an ID badge around their neck. Even if she did think I worked there, I should have said something better like, "I don't work here, but why don't you give me a female opinion on something..." I also should have approached the set again. The friend was alone for a few minutes so I should have opened her and then I could have run the two set when the friend came back. That was weak for me not too. This set does show that it's good to say, "Hi" to random girls. I immediately found myself in a brief conversation by just saying, "Hi."
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I forgot to write that I got a taste of what that's going to feel like at Starbuck's today. When I did my warm-up set after the Carson Pierre Scott crash and burn, I really felt like I didn't give a fuck. I ordered my drink, and then I ended my phone call with Seamas. I walked right over to this HB6.8 that was studying for her test and I ran openers on her. She wasn't warming up to me, but I still plodding along until she told me she had to study.
I can see myself slowly embracing that attitude. In the very near future, I can see myself opening sets all the time with this attitude. I'm very close. I'm opening sets far more often than I used to and with much less anxiety that before. Getting shot down when opening barely hurts. I just get more experience and try to figure out where my game went wrong. I can say that I've got that down. Again today, I no longer blamed my value as a male being the reason for rejection. I recognize that it's my game. If I had done things a little differently in those sets, I would have held the sets longer and been able to close.
Today was a huge event for me. I actually got my first Day 2 since getting into the game in Oct. I had FR+ in January with a girl that I met through a friend, but that was different. This Day2 was from a totally random pickup. Over the weekend, I started to worry that the girl might flake. I called her on Thursday and she didn't call me back. I later called her Sunday afternoon and I told her about this Ben and Jerry's event on Tuesday. I asked her if she could meet earlier so we could get ice cream, or if we should meet at 8:30 as planned. When Monday rolled around, I was really expecting the flake, but she called me around 6PM and we ended up confirming.
The interaction was so long that I don't really know how to write a report. I guess I'll go with the good and bad things that happened.
-I didn't do enough kino. I knew this was important but I ended up sitting too far away from her to be able to touch her without leaning forward. Seamas later asked me why I didn't go to the bathroom or something. The answer is that I was afraid she would use that time out to end the date. I know I'm supposed to not care, but I'm still learning!
-When Starbucks kicked us out, she said, "Wow I didn't realize it was that late." I replied, "It's not that late, this is about what time we met." She responded, "Yeah, but I'm tired from work." She felt this was a good time to end the date and that comment made it clear that a venue change would get rejected.
-When playing the question game, I got too personal on a question and she refused to answer it. That ended the question game. I should have stayed with questions that she was comfortable with answering. For example, she told me what her favorite position was and that she'd join the mile high club.
-I tried to set up the Day 3 as we were ending the date and she said she was busy. She might genuinely be busy. After all, she didn't call me until Monday and she said the reason was that she was really busy.
-I showed neediness when I kept trying to get her to set up the Day3 now. She said she was busy in Starbucks, and as I was walking her out, I mentioned it again. I asked her if she was busy on Sunday, and she said she had plans. Then, I asked her about next week, and she said, "We'll see." The thing is that she was willing to commit to the Day2 last week easily, so I can imagine that I messed it up.
-She didn't kino me, and I didn't get any huge IOI's from her.
-I showed too much interest by constantly facing her and trying to make eye contact. She looked away sometimes, and that was a bad sign :(
-She might have felt that we didn't have a lot in common. I didn't like how she didn't have any answers to any of my eliciating values questions. She said she never really thought about what she wants in guys, or relationships. I lost points for not recognizing her favorite director (the guy who directed Spiderman, Army of Darkness, and Evil Dead).
-SHE'S ALLERGIC TO CATS! That really sucks!
-She is vegetarian. (I know she'd like "Blind Faith Cafe" but I'm afraid of getting into the dating frame.)
The Good:
-The Day2 went from 19:40-22:00. That's almost two and a half hours. If she really disliked me, she would have found a reason to leave sooner. She enjoyed my company enough to stay until Starbuck's closed.
-When we walked out, we stood there looking at each other. I knew that as an AFC I would have felt that it was time to make a move for the kiss. The rAFC in me recognized that I hadn't gotten enough kino in, so I didn't want to try for the kiss. I just told her to give me a hug and we hugged. If she totally wasn't into me, she would have walked to her car as quickly as possible b/c she expected the AFC move.
-She did try to pick up the conversation in the dull spots.
-She answered some sexual questions during the question games and asked me some intimate questions.
-We had fun thumb wrestling. That was a great was to force kino and it was playful.
-She seems inexperienced with relationships. She's only had one boyfriend. That means I should have more chances for mistakes.
-We both like sushi.
Game Plan:
-I'm not going to give up. I'm also not going to call for a few days as I have to make up for showing neediness at the end of the date. I figure I'll call her over the weekend and try to set something up next weekend.
-As Seamas and I always say, the answer is more options. The more sets I sarge, the more Day's I'll get and the closer I'll get to becoming a PUA.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Today I had my first day 2 out of a random sarge. This was the HB I picked up at Border's last week. In order to prep for the Day 2, I read a bunch of stuff last night. Today, I knew that I had to do a few warm up sarges so I wouldn't be nervous with my Day 2.
Gym sarge:
I had flirted two times with this girl that works at my gym a few weeks ago. I actually had thought she quit b/c she wasn't working the same day. I expected to run into this other girl today, but I was surprised to run into the Wednesday HB. I greeted her, but didn't get any reaction from here. I wasn't surprised as I know I didn't make a good enough impression to last three weeks. I went to work out and I decided I was going to game her. I did say that I'm going to try to minimize the number of times that I don't practice as every missed opportunity just lengthens the time it's going to take me to be a PUA.
I busted on her for looking bored with the material she was reading. Later, when I was done lifting, I ran the tent opener on her. When I tried to get her to think about an attractive male actor, she said she thought of her fiance. LOL. If she was telling the truth, I sweated this all for nothing. It just goes to show that you should sarge every opportunity and not waste any thought on the girls when you're not sarging them. I could have learned this last time. Still, I decided to go an extra 20%. I didn't want her to get confirmation that I was trying a pickup. I went for a 1 mile run and then I came back. While I was running, I thought of some good lines. When I came back I said, "So, you're engaged? Wow. When's the wedding?" Girl: No sure yet. Me: Oh. It's one of those. I was actually engaged before. Girl: When. Me: About a year ago. We went ring shopping and shortly after I realized that I was getting bored. Relationships start out with such passion and then that tends to fizzle out. I've probably gotten cynical b/c of my own experiences but I'm happy that you've found someone special. Someone that you can have that incredible connection with. Someone who understands you on that deep level and someone with whom the passion never dies. I'm happy for you, and I'm also relieved. Now, I can get your opinions on stuff and I know you'll give me real answers. You won't try to influence how I think about you. Also, you won't be predictable like most girls. Why is it that when I talk to girls, they end up asking me if I have a girlfriend, and then they are suprised that I'm single? I guess I give off the committed vibe. I don't know."
I'll still run game on this girl just for practice. Maybe she'll get bored with this guy, or more likely, maybe she has some hot friends I could hook up with later. It sure beats not talking to her.
Carson Pierre Scott warmup:
I originally wanted to go to Woodfield Mall to warmup, but I was pressed for time so I hit Streets of Woodfield. I decided to go into Carson Pierre Scott, take a piss, and sarge a set. This sarge was an anomaly for me so I even posted a FR on mASF about it. Here is the FR copy & pasted:
I haven't post a field report in months. I had a Day 2 today (which I may post about). I didn't want to be nervous on my Day 2, so I decided to to hit some sets before hand to warm up. I went into Carson Pierre Scott and saw a young HB8.5 blonde hired gun folding clothes. She was in a main aisle. I walked straight ahead and then, as I got within hearing range, I turned my head and said."Looks like you're having fun."
HB: Oh yeah (sarcastically).
Me: Do you believe in ESP?
HB: Why?
Me: I'm going to guess your number. (I then run the ESP routine on her. I guess wrong both times, but I bust on her for thinking about the number too much. Next I run the tent opener. I have a short routine build around the opener "Would you date a guy that lives in a tent?" that I saw on Bristol Lair. I'm making a post in Tactics describing it).
The HB says no she wouldn't date a guy in a tent, and I bust her on being shallow. She says something like, "Most girls will tell you the same thing."
I get stuck and decide to get her to qualify herself a la Mystery "So what do you have going for you besides you're looks? I mean, you're very pretty (she says thanks as I say this and she blushes and looks down slightly) but beauty is common. What sets you apart from the other girls?
HB: I'm normal.
Me: Tell me some things that make you normal.
HB: (I don't remember her exact words, but she couldn't think of anything. When I pressed, she said she doesn't open up to people easily. I then cold read her for being the quiet girl at the bar.) No, I'm very outgoing at the bar but I'm just don't open up to random people.
Me: Are you adventurous?
HB: I'm not sure.
Me: What do you mean "you're not sure?" I guess that means no.
HB: I am adventurous.
Me: Okay, tell me a story that shows you're a little adventurous. It doesn't have to be a crazy story that only your best friends know but surely you can tell me something a little adventurous. (credit to Steve PUA's bad girl routine)
HB: I told you that I don't open to people easily. Why should I tell you anyway? You're just some random guy that walked by. (Then, she said something like, "What so special about you?" That might not have been the exact words, but that's what she meant.)
Me: (Here, I messed up. I realized this was a shit test, but instead of ignoring it, putting another hoop, or negging her, I qualified myself.) Hey, I'm fun.
HB: Yeah. Well, I have to get back to work.
This was a quick sarge but stands out as an anomaly. In day game, I've never got a girl excited this quickly. I've also never had so fast a crash either after a sarge seemed to be going so well. I think I was doing quite well until I failed the shit test. She gave me open body language early in the set and maintained it until she busted me out. She started off seeming as bored as her first comment suggested, but she brightened up quickly. She was smiling, giggling, and maintaining eye contact.
Contrast this to this girl I sarged at a bookstore last week. We ended up talking for like 30-40 minutes at the bookstore, and then I met her for a Day 2 today. She didn't seem nearly into me initially as this HB at CPS.
I remember reading that the fact that CPS HB shit tested me shows that she felt I was a contender. If she thought I was some loser from the beginning, she would have "gotten back to work" sooner. I just didn't know what to say at the time. If I could do it over, I would have just ignored her comment, and then went into another routine. I'm glad I opened this girl as I previously would have been intimidated b/c she was so hot. A few minutes later I opened a HB6.5 at Starbucks and she was lot colder to me than this HB8.5 was. It just goes to show you that you shouldn't be afraid to open the hotter girls b/c the less attractive ones aren't necessarily going to be more into you right away.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Last night, Seamas and I talk extensively about sarging. He finally watched some of Mystery's DVD material and got inspired by all the new material. He also had listened in earlier in the day to an approach I made at Starbucks. First, I'll write a brief report about the Starbucks set and then, more importantly, I'll explain a VERY important realization that I made.
Starbucks approach:
I saw three sets at Starbucks late Sunday afternoon. I was on the phone with Seamas the whole time so I didn't want to approach this blonde who was sitting near my table. Instead, I got a refill and approached this HB with glasses on the other side of the Streets of Woodfield Starbucks. She was alone and was obviously doing some work as she had a laptop in front of here. I took the headset out of my ears and walked over (I had told Seamas he could listen in and then just hang up when he got bored). I did the tent opener. About 40 secs into the set, I just sat down while I was talking b/c I've learned that if you keep standing up, it makes you look low value b/c you're less comfortable than the set.
I thought it was going well b/c she lowered the laptop screen so she could focus on our conversation. We also maintained eye contact. (I think I need to hold eye contact for longer. I'm always afraid of looking psycho, but they say if you blink, it's okay to hold it for long periods.) She ended up being into travel so I got her thinking about her past trips. When you get someone to recall good memories, they also recall the good feelings they have associated with those memories and they attribute some of the good feelings to you. We talked until she said she had to go. I then asked, "What steps can we take to make sure we can talk again?" She responded, to my surprise, "I have a boyfriend." I went another 20% as Mystery recommends and said, "Is he not open to you meeting new people?" She said no and that was that.
I got some constructive criticism from Seamas. First, he said he could tell I was nervous at the opener, but I slowly did get more comfortable. I realize now that when I get good, I'll be comfortable the whole time which will put the girl at ease. He said I also was too linear with my conversation and I should work on using Mystery's multi-thread theory. In addition to that, I noticed that I was still speaking too softly. I know I this problem but I'm afraid of overcompensating by talking too loudly. For now, I just have to try to talk louder even if I end up overcompensating b/c that's better than talking too softly. I also need to throw in negs, though I don't think they were necessary here. I should also sit closer to the HB so I could kino.
Approach Anxiety holding back progress:
I've always known this to be true. The community stresses that field practice is the ONLY way to really get better. It's great that I've read theory, but reading isn't going to get me farther. This morning, I recognized that I've made great progress, but I also respected the long, difficult path that I still need to follow to become a PUA. I thought about all the improvement that I still need to make to my game. I tried to plan some conversation, but I really began to understand how progress is only going to come from more sets. I probably need a few thousand more sets to get past the rAFC level and every time I don't approach a set or practice game, I'm just postponing my progress. If I keep avoiding sets, that it'll just take that much longer to become a PUA. Instead of 2-3 years, it might take 5-6 years. For every set that I approach, I improve my game slightly. I learn calibration, I get more comfortable with my material, and I feel good. I do realize that getting rejected is that bad. I'm also starting to frame the rejection better. After the Starbuck's failure, I blamed my game. I used to tell myself that I got rejected b/c she thought I was a loser. I worried that I'd never be able to attract women. Now, I just realize that it's my game. All I have to do it approach more sets and I'll fix my problems.
Game on always:
While I make a lot of approaches now, I seem to have an on-off button for my game. When I decide that I'm going out sarging, I get myself into a state where I'm ready to approach. When I'm out running errands or hitting the gym, I'm in an off state. I need to put myself into a default "on" state. There are women working at the gym and working out. I don't need to run game like I normally would on sets, but I need to get friendly. I need to say, "Hi" to everyone. I focused on that early in the game b/c I needed to get more comfortable with social situations in general, but lately, I've been feeling that it's not worth the effort. I now realize that every bit of practice helps. I also should be friendly and flirtatious with all the hired guns I run into, especially the ones that I'll see frequently. If I run good game at the gym girls, eventually some of them will really start to like me.
RPG goals:
I always loved how you knew how many experience points or tasks you needed to complete in a roleplaying game to get to the next level. Of course, it's hard to define the levels in this PUA game, but I think it might be useful to just set some temporary and long term goals. I had fun counting approaches and now I'm going to do it again. I had a problem defining approaches, but I think I have a solution. I'm going to define an approach as a genuine attempt to run game. If I open a girl and she busts out my opener, that counts an approach. Just saying, "Hi" with no real attempt to run game is not an approach, but I'm going to start counting that. I figure if I give myself some numbers to check off, I'll get more into the game, much like I've gotten into RPG's in the past.
-Say "Hi" to 400 guys
-Say "Hi" to 300 girls
-Make 100 approaches
-Get day 2's that don't flake
-Get 1 lay
I think those are reasonable goals, but some of them are probably too easy. Saying, "Hi" is simple, but at least this will force me to do that. I'm going to keep a running count of each thing. I'll also track # closes and the percentage of flakes.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
It was a beautiful day today so I decided to go sarging at Oakbrook Mall which is an outdoor mall. It was fun, but it wasn't so good for sarging. First, most of the sets were moving sets. ASF wisdom says that moving sets are the hardest to open. Next, a lot of the lone wolves that you see seated are on the phone or have baby strollers. Finally, it takes a long time to find quality sets so it's easy to fall out of state.
The good thing about the mall is that you have a ton of hired guns to work on. I went into a few stores and if there were no HB hired guns, I'd just talk to any woman employee and ask about the products. I'd make funny comments if they came to my head. I'd also relate some story if approriate. For example, I went into Harry & David's and asked about fruit cakes. The woman said they only sell fruit cakes around Christmas. Then, I told her about the forty year old fruit cake I heard about on the radio. I'll say that practicing talking on hired guns helps. I learned I was talking to softly when the woman at Harry and David's couldn't hear me. I also felt in a better mood since I had actually talked to a few women.
I ejected from a Marshall Fields set like a moron :(
After I was warmed up, I found myself walking through Marshall Fields. I was trying to talk to my mother on the phone but I had lost the connection so I was making my way out of the store. Just as I was about to exit, I made eye contact with this hired gun who had a jar of moisturizer in her hand. Clearly, she was assigned to demostrate and sell the stuff, but there was no one in her area. I said, "Hi" b/c we had made eye contact then I walked over. I asked what she was selling and she told me. I told her that I had asked about moisturizers at Bath and Body works. Then, I ran the tent opener. We talked about that for a bit. I started to talk about how nice it was outside. I ejected soon after that. I realize now it was b/c I felt uncomfortable. Part of me still believes that I'm bothering her so I wanted to eject. Of course, she was probably bored and welcomed some distractions, especially from a cute guy with game :) I have to remember that I'm doing girls a favor, even hired guns. If they want me to eject, they can always say that they have to get back to work, or that they'll get in trouble if we keep chatting. I should have kept plowing through this set and I probably could have closed her.
Tommorrow, I'm going to hit another mall and try more day game. I need to wake up early and get there when it lunch time. When I've met Beata for lunch, there have been a ton of good looking lone wolves who are out for lunch. I just have to remember that I need to run fast game so I can close them b/4 they have to back to work. I can also run game on the hired guns, and this time I won't eject. I should go into as many stores as I can and just pretend to look at stuff.
I was going to go to the bar tonight, but I just felt tired and out of it, so I decided to KJ by reading the mASF forums and writing a field report for Tuesday. My plan Tuesday was to hit the bookstore and then use my free Mixmaster Throwdown print out to get into Dakota's for free. Things got messed up b/c this girl that I had been sarging called me up to complain about this AFC boyfriend. (Yeah, I know...) The good thing is that talking to her got me into a talkative state, which I think ended up helping me. When I got off the phone with the myspace girl, I went into Border's and went into the bathroom. On the way in, I spotted this cute brunette. I told myself that I needed to sarge her when I came out.
I walked out of the rest room and turned towards where I saw the HB. She was still there so I walked past and then hovered near her for about 2-3 seconds and then I opened her. I was planning on using my tent opener, but I ended up asking about the new Seattle's Best Coffee place. She didn't know anything about the new coffee shop so then I went into the tent opener. I don't really remember the entire conversation. I actually should have written this report on Tuesday when it was fresh b/c it's been awhile since I've had a good set. I just remember that I had thought so much about how I need to be more descriptive and colorful when speaking that I actually did this. I did my best to describe whatever I was talking about so she could start to picture what I was describing in my head. Then, I tried to talk about what emotions I was feeling. For example, I described looking up at the stars in Hawaii:
I remember how amazing the sky was in Hawaii. It's so different there b/c you don't have the light pollution that you do here. I remember looking up and it almost didn't seem real. There were starts everywhere it the sky. I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe as I looked up. I wondered about what was out there and I pondered whether or not someone, on some other planet, was doing the same thing. I also remember feeling so small as I appreciated the size of the cosmos.
We talked for about 20-30 minutes. She was giving me IOI's in two ways. First, we had deep eye contact going on. I remember that we had two or three pauses in the conversation. The conversation momentarily stopped but we still help eye contact and gazed into each other eyes. I had definitely reached the hooking point b/c I remember that two of those times, she reinitiated the conversation by asking me questions. Her attention was totally on me: I remember one time looking over at a shelf to my right and I saw that she too looked over.
Later in the set, I felt that I might be running out of stuff to say, so I decided to number close using one of the Player Guide techniques. I said, "Well, I have to go meet my friends at Dakota's. (I had mentioned I was headed to the bar.) I have an intuition that when we get a chance to talk without time constraints or interruptions, we'll really enjoy each other company. I was wondering if there's a number where you'd feel comfortable having me call you." She smiled and said yes. I actually fumbled on a few of the words for that close, but she didn't seem to mind. She did say something when I whipped out my trusty notepad and pen. She said, "I see you're prepared." I remember getting shit-tested about this in FL (the girl had asked if I do this a lot). I used the same excuse I used then: I said that I use my notepad to write down any negative thoughts that I can't purge from my head. She noticed it was blanked but I quickly replied that I tear them out when I get home.
Just as she was about to write my phone number, I asked her name b/c we actually hadn't exchanged names. I don't like introducing myself early in the sarge b/c it's an IOI if the girl asks you for your name. As she was telling me her name, I extended my hand and shook her hand. I made sure to hold her hand a bit longer than expected and I looked deeply into her eyes when I told her my name. I always try to remember how Jack Nicholson did this in Witches of Eastwick.
After she gave me the notepad back, I decided to try to set up the Day 2 now. I know that numbers don't mean anything and it's often hard to set up a day 2 even after you've gotten the phone number. You call, and then she doesn't answer. You have to wait for her to call back, and they often don't so you have to call again. I wanted to avoid all that, so I asked her if she'd like to get coffee at the Streets of Woodfield Starbucks. I asked her when she was free, but before she could say anything, I said, "Let me think about what I'm doing this week... I'm actually busy the rest of this week so how about next week?" (I said the actual day and we agreed on a time.)
Tonight, I found out the number is solid. I forgot to call it on Tuesday so I could give her my number and verify the phone #. I also forgot to give her the phone call rules. It's been so long since I've #closed so I'm out of practice, but I'll remember that stuff next time. I got her voice mail tonight, as I expected. Still, it looks like it's still on.
Alumni Club Tuesday:
Since it was too late to use my free pass for Dakota's I decided to save $5 and hit Alumni Club. That was a mistake. I'll never go there on Tuesday again as it was a total sausage fest. I felt I had a solid number close as I had talked to the girl for a long time and felt a connection, but I wanted to get more numbers so I wouldn't be too nervous when I called. I thought things were going great when I chatted up some girl on the dance floor. She was playing with her phone and I told her it would be easier to talk if she wasn't on the dance floor. I asked her some other stuff, and she asked me something. I couldn't hear well so I asked her to come to a different part of the club. She agreed, which surprised me, but as we were walking there, she started to make objections. I told her we were just going somewhere quieter. I stopped about halfway between the dance floor and where I wanted to go b/c she was losing interest.
I chatted with her for about 3-4 minutes. I thought it was going okay, but she kept wondering where her friend was. She said the AFC friend had a shot for her. I told her she could get another one from the shot girl. We continued the conversation, but then she brought up the objection again. She then said she was going to find her friend, but "Come find me later." That's usually BS so I didn't bother. I should've reapproached anyway, but oh well.
I saw these three fat girls at a table near Golden Tee. I decided to open them as there weren't many sets. I got along with the girl closest to me and another girl on the opposite table started to warm up to me. I was doing pretty well, but I couldn't engage the girl that was farthest from me. That ended up being my undoing. At one point, she asked, "Where are you friends?"
Me: I was supposed to meet up with a buddy but he ended up not coming b/c he wife wouldn't let him out. I decided I'd come out anyway.
Warpig: Oh yeah. Call him up and let me straighten him out.
Me: He's sleeping.
Warpig: You're no fun. Call him up.
Me: No.
Warpig: Well, then you can get the fuck out of here. You're no fun.
Me: (I start laughing that she's being like this. )
Warpig: What are you laughing about? I was serious.
Me: (I start with the negs). What's wrong with your friend here? Geez. Where's her off button? You need to cut her off.
The girl on the opposite table started to apologize for her friend but I knew I couldn't stay in this set with this abuse. I said, "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you. I'm going to let your friend calm down there and maybe I'll come back later. I'm not going to take this."
Was going to Neg an HB, but got my opener busted instead:
Later in the night, I saw this HB8 or possibly 8.5. She was thin, had decent size breasts, and she was a few inches taller than me. I remember thinking that I should try a neg, but then I ran my opener.
Me: Hey, I want to get an opinion on something. It'll only take a sec. Would you date a guy that lived in a tent?
HB: And on that note (backturn).
Me: (I start laughing).
I guess my read was right. I should have negged b/c she had her shields on maximum. I have gotten blown out on openers b/4, but it was usually b/c the girl couldn't hear me. The close I've come was when some girl waved me off at Cadillac Ranch. I started to laugh that time too and the girl actually saw it. This situation bothered me b/c the girl couldn't see me laughing at her. As I think back on it, I should have approached again, and talked to the friend. I then could have negged this girl by saying, "She doesn't get out much does she?" If the HB said something obnoxious, I would have said, "I actually was talking to you so I could talk to your friend here."
The whole situation is funny b/c the girl was hot, but the girls from the redhead set at Barleycorn on Saturday were way hotter and they actually listened to me for 3+ minutes.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
As I lay awake in bed last night, I thought about my game, of course. I wrote last time that I definitely need to add negs to my game, but then I realized what I really need to work on now. For the past six months, I've had to work on big issues: developing alpha body language and attitudes, working on inner game, destroying self-limiting beliefs, and probably most important, eliminating approach anxiety. I've progressed far in solving many of those issues so now it's time to work on some finer points of my game. Last night, I determined that I really need to work on using spoken language to create emotion and vivid imagery in the women I sarge. As I write this paragraph, I also realize that I need to work on feeling less nervous when I'm actually in set, especially with the hotter sets I'm now approaching. I think this will take care of itself as I do more approaches. As I get more and more practice, I'll just feel more comfortable.
As a guy, I keep making the mistake of focusing on facts. When a woman brings up a topic, I need to do my best to use that topic as a way to get into patterning. This post in about "Fluff Talk" is a great starting point. When a woman says she likes a certain activity, I have to do my best to describe the emotions that the activity invokes. I can also use my words to help stimulate my target's imagination. For example, when I asked the HB's at Barleycorn on Saturday about travel, one girl talked about visiting Paris and Rome. I could have said something like, "I remember going to Rome when I was younger. There was something magical about being in Italy, but more than that, I felt as if being there helped take my mind back in time. I remember seeing some of the Roman ruins and I found myself picturing the chariots or the Roman soldiers walking around." And so on... The problem is that I have a hard time spontaneously coming up with such responses.
The solution also hit me last night. In future entries, I'll try to recall specific points in conversations where I knew I was stalling or where I couldn't think of a reply that would make the conversation more interesting. I'll then craft some better responses. For example, I'll write out some responses that use patterning. I'll write down any interesting stories that come to mind. I'll figure out other topics towards which I can move the conversation. Over several months, I'll have so many responses built into my routine that I'll really be able to relax. I'll be able to spark women's imaginations and emotions at points where I used to stall.
-I need to make more an more approaches, of course. I'll do club game at least once on the weekdays: either Alumni Club on Tuesday, Cadillac Ranch on Wednesday, or I should actually give North Beach a try on Thursday. I haven't tried sarging there, but have heard it's a good venue from other people. I go out either Friday or Saturday. I'm leaning towards hitting Alumni Club on Sat since I had that good experience last week.
-More day game. I should go to the mall/bookstore at least every other day. I get some confidence from doing the eye contact experiement. It's hard to open moving sets, but I can try to lock eye contact. It feels so good when they lock eye contact too and smile. Of course, I should try to open those lone wolves as that is an approach invitation. As I said in another entry, that Streets of Woodfield Starbucks is loaded with targets around 5PM. I should go there then or in the evening.
-I need to remember to always throw in a time constraint in my opener.
-NEGS: This is key. Now that I'm brave enough to approach the HOT women, I have to throw in negs. I have a few memorize but I've never actually thrown one in. I feel awkward using them, but I just have to try and I'll get used to doing it. Here at the ones i have memorized (all from Mystery): 1) Your nose wiggles when you talk; 2) I like that skirt. I just saw another girl wearning that same skirtat X bar; 3) I like that blouse, those seem to be popular nowadays; 4) You're hair would look better/up down; 5) "Are those nails real?" "No? Oh, well, they still look nice. I can just tell I'm not getting anywhere when I talked to hot girls and I don't use a neg. I've noticed that I've been getting busted out very quickly by hotties. This will help give me more time.
-Vibing. I need to try vibing a bit. I noticed today that I couldn't have normal conversation. I find myself too busy trying to through in routines that I forget that you can still vibe with a person without it. Jason knew no routines, but he new how to say funny stuff and vibe. I need to learn how to do that. I'll try but not forcing myself to just spew out routines. I found myself just reciting my follow up tent routines. One time a girl was trying to give an real answer and I just steamrolled her with my followup. Now, that's alpha to care what she's saying, but it doesn't hurt to listen to their answer.
-Have a goal. I'll try for solid number closes which means I should try to stay in set for at least 10 minutes. 20 minutes is preferable. I just have to remember that even though a fast close is likely to flake, I still shouldn't avoid closing if some time constraints occurs. Even though I got busted up at Big Bowl, I'm still glad I attempt. On the other hand, I'm pissed that I didn't try to number close that one girl last week . Not the married girl, but the one who I had a good vibe with from the beginning, but who's friends happened to be leaving. I didn't try to close b/c I figured she'd flake, but I should have tried anyway. There is a small chance that she might not have flaked. Besides, I need the practice anyway and #closing feels good even if the number flakes later.
-This goes along with the previous, but this is specific. When I meet these out of town girls, I have to follow what Gunwitch says. Basically, I have to escalate fast and try to get a fclose. I've realized that the fclose is the only option, but I've still been running the game as I normally do. I need to kino escalate faster and try to get her buying temperature up quickly. Sure, I might creep her out, but that's okay. As Mystery explains in his DVD, I'm in a public gathering so the worse case scenario is that they'll get up and leave. I'm missing possible lays but not trying to escalate faster. I keep thinking about how I could have gotten somewhere with the married chick last week. Even if i had just gotten a kiss or makeout, I would have felt great and my inner game would have benefited greatly.
-This is basic stuff but I need to keep showing up. (That's what I said in 1&2). I need to believe that I'm going to make this game happen and I need to believe that I deserve hot girls in my life. I have to keep remembering that it's really hard to go up to random girls and pick them up. Very few guys can actually do this consistently. I'm doing better than 90% or even 95%+ of the guys out there who can't even make one approach at the bar. I need only look back at my first entries in this blog to remind myself of where I was six months ago. I keep repeating this in every entry, but that's because part of me wants to feel frustrated that I still haven't gotten a day 2 out of all this. Sure, I had a social circle fool's game hookup in January. Without the game, I might not have made that happen, but I have yet to actually pickup a RANDOM girl. I know when I finally lay a random girl, my games going to improve vastly. Since I haven't done that, I have to keep focusing on what progress I've made since the Halloween party. Back then, I could barely approach 2-3 sets all night. Some days, I could make any approaches. Even with crappy game, I've had several lay opportunities that I just failed to recognize or capitalize on in 6 months. Now, I'm approach all but the most difficult sets. (I still doubt that I can open a huge 8 set, which is why I didn't open this one set at Lion Head.) I was afraid to open hot girls, now I'm doing it more often.
Success is around the corner. I truly believe that.
Tonight was a great success as I opened amost all the sets I saw. As recently as two weeks ago, I'd get scared to approach certain sets if they were filled with hotties. We went to Barleycorn and Lion Head Pub/The Apartment on Lincoln Ave in Chicago. At Barleycorn, there was this set with two hotties, at least 8 or 8.5. On was a strawberry blonde with a nice rack, and the other was a good looking blonde. It took me awhile to make the approach, but I did it eventually. I got busted out quickly, by my friends were impressed that I lasted a few minutes. I know what went wrong. I ran my opener as usual, and I remembered to put in a false time constraint. I told myself I was going to practice putting in a neg, but I couldn't think of one to use when I got in set. I keep looking at the girl's outfits, which probably looked like I was looking at their tits, so it's not suprising that I got blown out quickly. Still, I felt good about making the approach as they were hot.
Prior to that set, I opened a seated three set of HB6.5-7. They had a hard time hearing me, and I had a hard time hearing their responses. I got busted out, but we later creeped them out. I keep looking over there to see if we should approach again, and my friends kept looking. We got busted staring at them several times so they ended up moving to a different table out of our view. That was bad...
The wing is greater than the lead:
At the apartment, I opened two southern HB's that were standing by the pool table. Jason was in the process of ordering drinks when I decided to make my move. When I'm standing around, I don't like just walking up to a set b/c I feel it shows that I've been thinking too long about approaching. I like to either go to the washroom or walk somewhere and pretend to be on the phone. Then, when on the way back to my group, I turn to the set as I'm about to walk by them, and I open. I got past my tent opener and was about to explain the best friend's test when Jason walked up. He had my drink, but at the time I thought he was coming up as I had instructed him. He handed me his drink and started to walk away, which was good. Since he forgot to use the line, I said, "Hey man. Have you seen Lisa?" He said, "No." Then, I said, "Hey, you should meet these girls." If I remember correctly, I accomplishment introed him by saying he's one of the smartest guys I know, but he doesn't use big words to show off. Plus, he's a great dancer and an outgoing guy. I either accomplishment introed him when he walked up, or I did it just prior to him walking up.
Jason started talking to the HB on the left, and I talked to the one on the right. Partially b/c of better vibing skills, and partially b/c of my accomplishment intro, he was getting along well with his girl. He still doesn't know how to read body language sometime, b/c when I debriefed, he didn't realize that the girl had been into him. She was facing him and I kept hearing them laughing about various things. On the other hand, I was doing a poor job with my target. He never fully faced me and occasionally she would look over to try to join the conversation. I knew I was doing something wrong, but every subject I tried to bring up failed to hook her. As I keep asking questions, I knew I was messing up b/c I looked like I was too rapport seeking. Then, I kept thowing in random games. I ran ESP test and failed. Then I tried to Cube her, and she didn't want to do it. I felt like a fuckup b/c Jason was doing well, and I wasn't. On top of that, since I failed to hold the target, she ended up making her friend leave with her. I think Jason should have tried to isolate, but he doesn't really know what he's doing. I wanted to isolate, but I knew it wasn't going to work since I hadn't hooked her. Still, we held the set for about 10 minutes. Jason definately could have #closed, but they were from out of town and leaving on Monday, so an fclose was the only real way to get anywhere.
Mixed 4 set:
At one point, my friends were boing AFC's and wouldn't believe the theory I was spouting. Now that I think back, I should spout so much theory. I can't expect nonASF people to believe the info I'm spouting, even though I know it to be true. It's good that I made this mistake, however, b/c it forced me to open this set. I spotted three girls that were hovering around one guy. We had been talking about how you have to talk to guys. Jason hates talking to guys at the bars. I explained that I don't care to talk to them either, but I do so b/c it's necessary for the game. Then, Jason said that he just doesn't think it's possible to open a set with a guy in it. Of course, I remembered Mystery saying that a 2 girl, 1 guy set is easier to open than an all girl set. Mystery explains that a girl 2 set has been approached several times in the night . The mixed set, however, likely hasn't been b/c most guy think like Jason and won't approach b/c there's a guy there. Chances are, though, that only one of the girls is actually with the guy, so you are free to pick up the girl.
I told Jason I'd show him that you can approach mixed sets. I walked up to the guy and started talking to him. I asked him what bars he'd recommend as he seemed to have it going on. After all, he had three girls with him. We BSed a little bit, and then I asked how he knew these girls. He said he knew them through college. On top of that, I must have opened him well because he offered to introduce the girls. He introduced a cute blonde. Later, he introduced the birthday girl and the third girl. My mistake was that I couldn't think of a way to open the girls right away so they got bored after meeting me. On top of that, the 4 set was really a 6 set with two other AFC's. A few minutes after I was talking to this dude, the two AFC's announced that they wanted to go dance. I don't know if they really did or were threatened by me since I hadn't opened them. I would have chatted with them if I had known they were with the girls earlier.
Still, this was a great learning experience, and I think I'll be opened more mixed sets in the future. I always understood the theory, but I've only approached mixed sets a few times (less than 5) prior to today. Now that I saw how easy it can be, I'll be approaching more mixed sets in the future. I do notice that I can easily vibe with guys, so that's a good in. Now, I just need to learn to vibe as easily with women. When I can do that, I believe I'll have advanced past the rAFC stage.
AFC friends:
My one buddy doesn't really know about the game and is married. He doesn't totally believe in the theory I'm reading and Seamas is right when he says that my buddy probably also is threatened by the fact that I'm able to do what most guys can't do. Well, I want to be able to pull in the bars, but just being able to open a bunch of random sets is amazing to non community people. If my old BAFC self would have seen someone doing what I did today, I would have thought he was a PUA god. Anyway, my buddy was giving me shit b/c I opened some random girl on the streets. He said I was like Trent in Swingers which I take as a complement. He interprets the movie different that us community guys. Community guys want to be like Trent. My buddy thought Trent was created as an exaggeration of the club party guy. He says you're supposed to laugh at how ridiculous Trent is and not want to be like him. I argued a bit, but let it slide. Later, they are telling me not to be a party guy and criticizing my game. Finally, I got sick of it and did what never would have occurred to me prior to learning games stuff (especially alpha/dominant male stuff).
I told them that I believe the theories I'm learning and I don't care if they don't like it. I told them to stop making BS comments b/c those comments would eventually pull me out of state. My frame is so much stronger now that the comments weren't having that effect, but just a few weeks or months ago, it might have made me self-conscious about approaching for the rest of the night. I also said something like, "Look, we're not having an alpha male contest here. Stop making comments. I'm going to run this game as I know how to do." And they shut up, at least until the end of the night. My buddy was really drunk so I don't care that he started again at the end of the night. When I finally dropped him off and he was sober, he said he'd try to actually be a wing next outing.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Some plans got cancelled so I decided to go to this birthday dinner at Big Bowl. This particular Big Bowl is in the Streets of Woodfield mall. I was in there a few days ago to hang out with my ex and I noticed there were a lot of targets there. As I pulled near Starbucks, I saw a three set sitting outside of Jamba Juice. I was on the phone with a buddy and I decided that I was going to approach that set.
My approach anxiety has lessened as I opened that set without even warming up. I walked right up and ran the tent opener on them. Immediately they all focused on me, and I noticed two AFC's in the table next door looked at me like I was some PUA god as they listened to my speech. When I did my usual romance novel follow up, the blonde said, "Those women in the romance novels don't fall in love with the pool guy, they have sex with him and go back to their husbands." I like a woman who's comfortable talking about sex, but I was starting to get nervous running the set. I didn't know how to keep entertaining this three set, so I decided to call it a good warmup and move on. I'll get more comfortable running sets in the day time, but I'm still happy with what I did. I've definately made huge progress over even three weeks ago as I am now opening more than ever.
I was running late so I headed over to Big Bowl after I used the washroom at this department store. I didn't open any sets, but I did hold eye contact with this late 30-something blonde. She smiled which made me feel good. I suppose I should have tried to open her but I was walking the opposite direction. At big bowl, I stood around waiting for my friends and looking for sets. I was scoping out this set that got immediate seating when my buddy walked in. I wanted to open them but coudln't think of how to do it, so I went to my standby. I like it to look like I just happened to walk by when I do my opener. When I've been standing around for too long, I feel awkward. I went to the restroom and then came back. I came upon my buddy having some discussion about his haircut. He was saying that guys say he looks older and women think he looks younger. I opened the set by getting their opinion. My friend turned back after I opened, so I had to entertain the set. I ran the tent on them and then I started to ask some other questions. The appetizers arrived and I remembered that women hate to be bothered while eating so I tried to eject. This light skinned girl (who I later learned was Mexican, though she didn't look like it) asked me another question to keep me in the set. I took this as an IOI. I still wanted to eject b/c of the food, and b/c the other girl, an Korean girl was looking annoyed that I was there.
Fast foward about 15 minutes . We finally get seated and I'm thinking that I should have number closed. I ask this girl who's the birthday boy's girlfriend. (BTW, she was totally my type. Too bad she's not single. She's 5'11" and blonde which is what i like. She was a little chunky, but not really fat, but I'm starting too appreciate that more.) She says that I should number close or I'll keep thinking about it. I knew the answer, but I felt that I needed to hear it from someone else.
I went to the washroom and then went over to the girls. They were finishing their meal. I said, "Hi" and then used a new ASF close that I memorized, "I have an intuition and I don't know if you can imagine this as I describe it. When we get a chance to talk without time constraints or interruptions, we'll really enjoy each other's company. I was wondering if there's a number where you'd feel comfortable having me call you."
The girl said no, supposedly b/c she was seeing someone. I probably should have gamed them a bit before trying to close. After I got rejected, I tried to eject, but they pulled me in with some questions about my ethnic background. The girls kept wanting to talk for some reason. I'm wondering if I should have closed the Korean girl instead.
Social Robots:
I got interrupted when writing this blog, so this is short. I noticed that I don't have as much fun in none-sarging related activites as I used to. The bowling was fun, but then I started to get bored b/c there were no girls to sarge. Well, there was an attractive girl, but she was taken. Seamas later told me that I should have "sarged" her to see if she could hook me up with a single friend. He's probably right.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
I didn't really feel like going out tonight, but I knew that I had to go out and practice. Saturday was a good night and I was hoping to build on that. I got to Cadillac Ranch around 1am. There were a good amount of people for a Wednesday, but I've seen it busier. I took longer than usual to get warmed up. I need to be doing some sort of sarging at least every other day. I don't have to go to the club; I can go to Starbucks or the bookstore. In fact, I really should be working more on day game. More on that later.
I talked to about 5 guys before I got warmed up. Later, I opened just about every set that I was interested in with two exceptions. I had to talking to this cool tall guy who pointed out a stripper set. Part of me wanted to approach to test my game out, but I never did. I would have gotten busted out but I need the practice. The funny thing is that I didn't think they were the hottest girls in the club. The other was this chubby, but very cute blonde that I had talk to two weeks ago. I couldn't find her alone and I didn't feel comfortable opening the huge 6 mixed set she constantly rolled with. Plus, I already used my good openers on her. She seems to go there a lot, so I'll see her again.
Boring girls:
I only ejected out of two sets and I think it was good to do so. I seemed to know how to pick boring girls tonight. I had several girls tell me the usual thing that they don't do anything except barhop and work. No travel, of course. Several of them even said that they weren't adventurous. I was in a two set for a few minutes. The girls had met at work so I was doing okay with isolation as the other girl wasn't trying to cockblock, even though she was bored. It looked like I picked the wrong one to talk to though. She wouldn't tell me any adventure stories and she wouldn't do the trust test. Then, she told me she had stories, but she would never tell me any of them. I decided to eject b/c I wasn't getting anymore. What I probably should have done was turn and talk to the other girl. I could have used the Mystery line, "I've been alienating your friend here." I don't think this girl would have cockblocked either.
I opened two boring lone wolves too. One was a cute, and somewhat busty blonde that I had seen walking around by herself. She later told me she was with guy friends. I ran tent on here. Then, she told me she wasn't adventurous. All she does it work and go to school. I ran Mystery's "What do you want to be when you grow up, and don't say princess." The girl responds with, "I don't know." Blah. She could see we weren't getting anywhere as she actually ejected herself. The only was this short, petite blonde. I had talked to this black dude earlier. I was just standing around when I saw this blonde standing next to the wall. I see the black dude come and try his game. He had some natural game. He started with kino. He went with direct game by telling her she's cute and asking her name. He has confidence, but I think his lines are too typical. He got busted out in like 30 seconds, so I turned and ran my tent opener. She was very similar to the busty girl. She wasn't adventurous. I asked her, "What your story?" Her: I don't have one. Me: Do you travel? Her: I don't have time. Me: What would you do for fun if you had more time. Her: I don't know. Me: Okay, you're very pretty. What do you have going for you besides your looks? Her: What do you mean? Me: Beauty is common. I'm trying to see what you having for you besides looks? Her: I don't know. Me: Do you realize that you've told me that you aren't adventurous and you have nothing going for you?
I decided to eject and I said, "Think about your responses, and maybe I'll be back later." Now, the problem here could have been that I didn't demonstrate enough value. I suppose PUA's would have told some stories and kept plowing. In retrospect, I could have tried to cube her or something but I just felt stuck. I guess I forget what Mystery says, "When you're stuck, try to go and extra 20%."
Day game:
I'm not giving up night game as I still feel like I'm close to some success. I keep blowing off day game. I met my ex at Starbucks earlier in the day, and there were a bunch of girls there. There were also a lot of girls shopping. I need to be as quick to open in day game as I am at the club and I'll start to see some results. I probably am more likely to find a girl that I'd really be interested in at Starbucks or the bookstore rather than the bar on a weekday. You get a lot of the boring party girls on weekdays. At least on the weekends, there are more regular people out at the bars.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
The more I think about last night, the more I realize how much self-limiting beliefs are holding me back. HBhat was giving me a bunch of IOI's so I should have run regular game on her. I should have isolated her from the group, which would have been easy, and then run comfort routines (like the questions game and the cube) while doing kino escalation. I remember that she said two or three times that there was something different about me than the other guys that were trying to sarge her friends. In my bad frame, I thought she was saying that I was falling into the friend zone which is usually what happens. I know this was different. She had shit-tested me and I had passed. After she realized I was going to easily be impressed like AFC's, she started to get insecure and kept asking if she looked her age. I realized that I had to give a little her, so I said she looked nice. When I took her hat off, though, I should have ran my hand through her hair. I also could have touched her face and looked deeply into her eyes and told her that she looked good.
The most important hint that I believed I missed was when she brought up cheating. She said that the large girl was the faithful one. She said her friend's husband had cheated. She even pointed out how the blonde wasn't wearing her wedding ring, but the larger girl was. The community would say that she had let me know that she was married so I'd know what to expect, but she probably was more than willing to sleep with me if I ran good game. The only reason I didn't is that I immediately figured it would take more game that I had. That's a poor excuse. Even if I would have messed up, it would have helped me a ton if I could have isolated her and practiced my middle and late game.
Assume it's always on:
The community recommends that you adopt that frame that it's always on. I should have assuemd it was on with HBhat until I was proven wrong. When I sarge sets and they haven't opened up yet, I shouldn't leave. I should frame that as them playing hard to get and I should keep plowing material until they tell me to leave or they "go to the washroom" or "go dance."
On Confidence:
Working out has definately given me more confidence. I think I've only lost 10-15 lbs, but I feel great. My face looks thinner, my clothes are fitting better, and I can see that I've developed some muscles. I just need to get serious and drop the 30-40 lbs of fat that's hiding my abs. That's not as important as practicing my game, though. I think I'm at the point where I feel as confident with my looks as I'll feel until I'm at my ideal weight. The truth is if I want to become a PUA, continual work on my game will benefit me more than getting to my ideal weight. Sure, being thin and having great muscle definition is going to make things easier, but the opposite is not true. I've been there. If I got into ridiculously great shape and had no game, I'd still get no girls. If I stayed at my weight or got fatter, but developed PUA level game, I'd pull girls nonstop.
Tonight was finally a good night. It wasn't a great night: that would be getting a kclose of an fclose. Heck, I didn't even get a #close. More on that later.
I went to Alumni Club in Schaumburg. I was sitting at home feeling sorry for myself and then I decided that I needed to go out and practice. I want to get some girls and I've already read enough theory. The only thing I need to do is practice and I'll get better. I called up Jason and he didn't feel like going out tonight. My friend Jpunk was supposed to go sarge in the early evening, but he was busy too. I debated for about 15 minutes before I finally just started getting dressed. My original plan was to check out Border's Bookstore in Schaumburg and then hit Alumni Club. I saw that there was no cover at Alumni if I went before 9PM so I decided to head straight there. I'm better off having two beers instead of paying a cover.
Alumni was dead when I got there at 9pm. The only girls there were hired guns. There were a bunch of guys sitting around and playing the Texas Hold 'em game on the TV. Playing poker was the last thing I wanted to do; if I was going to play, I might as well have stayed home and tried to make money. Since there were not sets, I ended up playing that for an hour and I chatted with this guy next to me.
Married 3-set:
I have no idea how many sets I approached. I talked to at least 12, but again I ejected a few times when I probably shouldn't have. mASF people say to plow through sets just to practice, but if a set stalls, I feel like I'm better off opening another set. Maybe I'm wrong. Anyway, I had seen these three girls walk in around 9:30PM. There were two skinny girls, and a large girl. When I got done playing the poker game, I decided to approach the large girl as I saw her sitting by herself. I used the tent opener and we chatted for a bit. The hot friends showed up and I opened them. I had already found out that it was HBblonde's birthday so I wished her a happy one. The hottest girl was this shorter brunette that was wearing a hat.
HBhat was cool, but unfortunately all of them were married. I know that mASF people say that isn't an issue, but I know my game is still developing. I decided to stick around for social proof and practice. HBhat and I chatted for a bit. A few minutes in, she offered to buy me a shot. She bought 4 shots: one for each of her two friends, one for her, and one for me. As we were doing this some guys came by. One was a guy who I had talked to in the bathroom. His friend started talking to the larger girl. Some other dude started sarging the blonde so I was left talking to the brunette.
I did some kino and maintained eye contact, but that was it. Other than that, we just talked. She did try some tests but I'm too aware of how to deal with this stuff now:
HB: How old are you?
Me: (standard ASF line) How old do you think I am?
HB: 25?
Me: Close. Your friend guessed 26. I'm 28.
HB: How old do you think I am?
Me: Well, your friend already told me you're all 31.
HB: Do I look that old?
Me: Naw, you look like you're in your 20's.
There was some other stuff. At one point, we commented about the guys sarging her friends. I said that they looked like they weren't do too badly. I then did an imitation of bad game by putting my arm around her and leaning over. I said that at least the guys weren't doing that, but most guys have weak game. She asked, "What do you do? Say, 'Hi," and then offer to buy a drink?" Me: No, they have to earn that. Her: Even if they are pretty like me. Me: There are a lot of pretty girls here. It just depends on how they act. Her: You mean I'm not the prettiest girl here? Me: So, you're saying that you're prettier than your friends here? I'm not going to answer b/c there's no right answer.
Later, HBhat started to feel self-conscious and starting asking me if she still looked good. I resisted at first and said, "Come on. You know the answer to that. You two good up to the stage and dance." HB: Yeah, but I'll be doing that when I'm 80. Do I look old? Me: Let me see. (I then took off her hat.) Yeah, you lookcute. HB: Do I look better without the hat? Me: Sure.
She ended up not wearing the hat for the rest of the night. LOL. I could have kept hanging with them, but I decided to use my social proof to open the set behind me.
Ejecting again:
I opened the set behind these married girls b/c I didn't think I could get a fclose, and that would have been my only option. I figured the set would open up easier b/c they could clearly see that I had already been hanging out with some hotties. I ran some routines on them, but then I ejected to talk to other girls. It probably is a mistake. I keep having that "grass is greener on the other side" mentality. I think that somewhere else in the venue is a set that will be a breeze the entire way. I think I ejected out four sets too early today. I hadn't even gotten backturned on these sets, but I decided to leave. I have to keep rereading TD's "State Control" post on Bristol Lair. I keep giving up a possible lay in order to keep the sure thing of having sarged a set well for 3-4 minutes.
Foiled again:
I did have a good sarge that got messed up by bad logistics (again, sigh). I opened this four set that was seated at a table near the dance floor. I saw the girls looking at the dance floor and looing up at the stage area in the middle of the dance floor. I opened one of them by saying, "Hey, it's actually more fun if you get up there." The girl giggled and said they were taking a break. I saw that one blonde friend was just chilling on her chair, so I ran the tent opener on her. I actually remembered to use a false time contraint. (That's been another SP for me. I keep forgetting.) I said, "Hey, I need an opinion on something. It'll only take a sec and then I have to get back to my friends. Would you date a guy that lived in a tent?"
The girl initially said she wouldn't but then I ran my usual follow up. At this point, I felt I reached a hook point. (Though not enough to override the friends, as you'll see.) She responded with a very well thought out answer. After I explained my thoughts on the tent, she agreed. She kept talking. She stopped talking for a second. I didn't say anything, and then she reinitiated a coversation (twice actually) by going on about her tent answer. I knew I was in b/c that's a big IOI. I asked her if she is adventurous. She said she's gone rock climbing. Then she named 6-7 other adventurous activities. I asked about travel, and somehow I found a way to bring up Hawaii. She said she had just come back. (Nice!). She actually had just come back from Maui as she talked about Haleakala and biking down. Just as I was about to ask her more, her friends say, "Hey, we're leaving." She said, "Sorry, I have to go."
I think I should have number closed her. At the time, I figured it was pointless as I didn't get to talk to her as long as I would have liked. She probably would have given me her phone number but it was about a 95-97% chance it would be flake. Still, I had hooked her a bit, and she had qualified herself. I should have said, "I have a feeling. I don't know if you can picture it like I can, but I think if we had a chance to talk without all these distractions and time constraints, we'd have fun." (That similar to an ASF #close routine that I'm actually going to look up after this so I get the wording right.) It wouldn't have hurt to get a flake number. At least I would have had a tiny chance instead of no chance of talking to her again. Oh well. It sucks b/c that was the best set of the night. The married HB's were the best, but this could have went somewhere.
Jealous look:
I'm sure I messed up a set by what I did, but it still felt good to get the look. I had opened this cute HB with glasses earlier. I saw them in the upstairs area so I talked to them again. The HBglasses smiled at me and said, "Hey" when she saw it was me. I chatted briefly and they started dancing. I don't know how to dance so I opened these Eastern European girls. The blonde was cute and reminded me of one of my ex's friends. I was doing okay with her, but I knew the friend was getting bored. I tried to engage the friend, but then I got the sense that the friend was trying to drag her friend away. I didn't want to look stupid in front of the other girls so I ejected.
The only good thing about opening these E European set was that I managed to see HBglasses look when I was in this set. On Fat Tuesday, I saw how all the girls were looking at Jason when he was dancing with hotties. I saw that same look on HBglasses. She had that jealous look. I later saw her walking by as I was talking to this Mexican guy I had met a few months ago. I stopped her and gave a false apology. I said that those E European girls were friends of my ex.
Later, I saw those girls again upstairs. I approached HBglasses. She asked me if I had said I that I ran into my ex. I said that it was friends of her. I then tried to game her, but I think I messed it up. I couldn't keep her attention. She kept looking at the TV that was showing the dance floor. I tried the discount magic trick and the ESP test, but she kept looking back to the TV so I gave up. Mistake?
I went back to the large married girl and this AMOG was standing near her. He didn't realize I had been chatting with them earlier. I stood by her and him and he gave me a look and said something like, "What are you doing?" He was bigger than me and I got the impression that he was trying to intimidate me. LOL. Please. I would have been scared about 6 months ago but now I know how to handle these guys. As I tell my old friends, it's not like I'm at a gangbanger hang out. I looked him in the eye and said, "Hey, what's up man?" Guy: What are you doing? Me: I'm just hanging out man. What's your name?
I still laugh that these big guys think they can intimidate me by just looking at me. It's so funny that the AMOG techniques work. I actually haven't had any escalate once I've looked them in the eye and show by my body posture that they aren't going to scare me like that.
Keep qualifying kid:
I opened these this 21 year old HB. I ran the tent, of course, but then after I finished it, I decided to just see if she would qualify herself. I immediately said, "So what do you have going besides your looks? I mean, you're very pretty, but beauty is common." (from Mystery's DVD's.) I have never tried to qualify that early into the sarge. Well, I've run the adventurous routine, but I never ask so directly like I did here. To my surprise, she said she was finishing school and trying to be a teacher.
I ended up ejecting form this set, and again maybe I shouldn't have. My HB leaned in to talk to her friend. Two guys had also shown up halfway through the sarge. I could tell they were AFC's b/c they were just letting me talk to their friend. When my HB talked to her friend, I started talking to the guys. In retrospect, I should have asked their relations so I could have gotten the full scoop. Later, I saw the HB's sitting there again, but I didn't open them again b/c I was busy opening another set.
I'm surprised this entry was this long. I figured it would be easy. I guess it's good I described the night in detail so I can look back on this when rough times come. As I've said in other entries, I can see that I'm close to really taking it down. Maybe I'd be closer if I got past this ejection SP. I'm sure doing better than I was a week ago. I've cut down on the hand movementsas Jpunk explained that I was doing it WAY too much.
I actually got the party guy thing down today. I've had good nights where I make some guy friends that I turn into wings, but I never created a social proof set of girls before. Heck, I even got the free shot and those girls were cool. I knew I had those girls hooked when HBhat would say, "Now you can go" after I'd mess with her, and then she immediately say, "No, don't. I'm just kidding." I opened almost every set that I wanted too as well. Sure, there were some girls on the dance floor that I could have opened, but I was constatly talking to different people tonight. I even opened the bachelorette party. I tried to cheer them up b/c they were looking tired and I did get a few of them to smile.
The best thing about tonight is that I didn't even feel like going out. Every time I started to wonder if I was going to be lame (on the way over there) I shut out those thoughts and told myself that I've gotten better since October. I know solid number closes are close. I just have to keep sarging and more nights like this will happen. This sure beats when I creeped out those married girls from Wisconsin.
Friday, April 07, 2006
I have movie themes in my head lately as I write these entries. One of my grade school buddies read "The Game" a few months ago and has really gotten interested in sarging. Unfortunately, he's currently a KJ. He read all of and probably, but he has made two approaches. Even worse, he has one-itis with this married woman he's been seeing for a few years. He came over to pay me some dough that he owed me. I wanted him to go out b/c I've been looking for a wing. My best wing is in Florida so I'm stuck here going solo. I figured if he'd go out, I get him more excited about the game. Since he's known me my whole life, he knows how afraid I've been to approach women. I knew that if I went out and opened a bunch of sets, he'd see that it is possible to get past approach anxiety.
Cadillac Ranch at 2am
We rolled into CR at 2am. I knew I'd only have an hour so I wanted to open a bunch of sets. Only two sets were interesting. There were several sets where I opened a lone wolf and ended up having to deal with an AMOG. I've done it so many times that I know I won't get into a fight, but it's just annoying to have wasted a few minutes with a taken girl. Practice is still good.
Warpig set:
I opened this lone wolf warpig. She told me that someone had broken into her house and she come out to the bar to feel better. I bet I had a good chance of fclosing her, but I just wasn't interested. I tried to pull my wing in but he wouldn't talk. This turned out to be a big mistake later. It was good that I opened her as I later spotted a hot friend next to her. She was probably an 8 (my friend said 7.8), but she was a hired gun. She had a really cute face, though. I approached the warpig again so I could try to work on the friend.
The warpig was trying to get drinks so I had a little bit of time with the HB. I ran the ESP test and guessed her number and her eyes lit up. I also ran best friend's test, but then this warpig took over the set. I tried to ask a few questions to slow her down, but she blew off my questions and wouldn't shut up. I decided to eject and said that I was going to go cheer up my friend.
Now that I think about this, I believe I should have kept working the warpig earlier. Then I would have been friendly with her and I would have been able to work the HB hired gun better. The only issue would have been if the warpig started to like me. The good news is that I can come back and joked around with this hired gun later. Too bad she doesn't work Wednesdays, though, which is when I usually go to this place.
No supplication here:
I open this Indian girl and her friend. I open by asking if the friend is going camping b/c she has such a huge purse. The Indian girl then starts asking me if I could do her a favor. I said, "Maybe." She asks if I can go into the bathroom and find this friend of hers. I didn't want to do this b/c I knew it couldn't help me and I felt like I would be a chump if I did. I tried to change the subject. She said he had a striped shirt, so I pointed to some dude with a striped shirt that was making out with some hot blonde. She said that wasn't him. I asked if her friend was sick. She replied that she didn't know. I then said that I didn't want to look for him b/c I didn't want to babysit a drunk. She got pissed and walked away.
I suppose I could have looked for him. If he wasn't there and they were still there I could game them further. Maybe I take this supplication avoidance too far?